Overcoming Fear with the Torch of Truth

The road out of Jericho was always well-traveled, but Bartimaeus could sense something different in the air.  Just as the angle of the hot sun on the back of his neck told him the time of day, the buzz of the crowd, the whispered excitement, and the press of bodies told him what his ruined eyes could not — something was stirring.

Slowly, he pieced together the scene:  a Healer, a Miracle Worker named Jesus was heading his way, and the word on the street . . .?  This Teacher just might be the promised Messiah.

A seasoned beggar, Bartimaeus waited until just the right moment, and then poured every possible ounce of drama into his anguished plea:

“Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” he howled.

“Pipe down, Bartimaeus,” hissed the embarrassed townspeople, but the blind beggar called out all the louder.

In this encounter of a life time, Bartimaeus put all that he knew about Jesus into his heart’s cry, for he had a huge and impossible dream.  Bartimaeus wanted to see, and he boldly broadcast his deep and urgent need to the only One in the universe who could help him.

Saying a dream out loud can be intimidating — even frightening.
It feels vulnerable.
Whether it’s a career goal, a longing for intimacy, a desire for a child, or an avenue of service to God that won’t stop calling our name, it’s easy to allow the sheer size of the dream to muzzle our cry for help and to overwhelm us with fear.

CaptureThere’s much more to this story, and I wou

ld love it if you would join me today over at God-sized Dreams, an on-line community where you can say your dream out loud and find the glorious encouragement of others who are also familiar with the joys and pitfalls inherent to dreaming.

While you are over there finishing my story about the power of Truth to cast out fear, I hope you’ll meander around the site and be encouraged by others who have set sail on the journey toward their own God-sized dreams.


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34 thoughts on “Overcoming Fear with the Torch of Truth”

  1. Michele,
    Knowing that HE is upholding me makes my GOD SIZED DREAM somehow seem possible. Thanks for sharing from your hear Michele!
    Praying you continually seek after the God-sized dreams. DREAM BIG!!!
    ~Sherry Stahl


  2. You are such a wise and encouraging writer. I mentioned you in a post a week or so ago, Lovely Words.

    I covet your prayers that I not become frustrated over lack of time to write and that I continue to seek and follow the prompting and lead of the Holy Spirit.


  3. Beautiful post Michele–a testimony to His never ending mercies. I love this story too and spent some time with it one pre-Easter week a few years back. It’s sweet the way the Spirit speaks through story and the way we writers take His Word to heart and express its truth in unique ways… I was especially struck by the question: What do you want me to do for you? What is it I really want?… Thanks again, Michele for beautiful words from a faithful heart.


    1. Hi, Linda! Good to hear from you via yet another avenue! I’ve enjoyed getting the posts from your new writing home in my inbox.

      I’m glad you brought up that question. Word limit and staying on topic with fear, etc. didn’t make room for it in my writing, but it sure has been in my thinking. I’m particularly bothered by the things in my life that I’d like to see changed, that I bring to God all the time, and fail to really engage with (i.e. to do my part!). If Jesus asked me that question, I’d be quiet for a while.


      1. I think I concluded, using the imagery of this story, that having my vision corrected to see as Jesus does is what I most need..
        And the older I get the more I’m pretty sure that anything that really changes in my life will be as a result of His persistent grace at work. So often the spirit is willing but the flesh is flabby. I fail to pray. I fall asleep at the moment that matters. God still carries out His program and invites me to join Him…


  4. I want to be as bold as Bartimaeus and cry out in confidence that Jesus will help me overcome my fear with my God-sized dream. I know He can do it, I’m just the one who wavers with doubts.
    Have a Happy Easter Michele!


  5. It’s inspiring how even in the Bible with the people whom we look up to, fear is inevitable and real. And God as always assures us how He will deliver us no matter how difficult the situation is.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Really enjoyed reading this post as I personally struggle with fear on a daily basis in my career, home etc. and its comforting to know that God will always be there for us if we seek him, ask for his help and surrender all to him.

    Folakemi (Peacockscanfly) #twinklytuesday


  7. So true Michele! Feeling “exposed ” as we share our dreams out loud or even try to walk them out publicly, opens us up to being “shushed ” or criticized. I have always admired Bartimaeus ‘ courage and persistence. Thank you for reminding me how much I need it as well:)


  8. Enjoyed your post, Michele. I can relate totally to the fear thing. I have a passion for teaching God’s Word, but I’ve mostly only done that with my children since I homeschool. When I do write faith posts, I. too, struggle with fear and thinking no one will care etc. I have to always remind myself that it’s for God’s glory, not mine. 🙂

    Thanks for sharing at Literacy Musing Mondays! Always a pleasure to read your posts. 🙂


    1. There’s certainly a vulnerability inherent in the “out there” sharing of God’s Word. I feel that myself. Thanks for sharing the truth that helps you remain faithful.


  9. Outstanding, Michele! So well said! We do fear to be vulnerable with the dreams and hopes we hold closest to our hearts. In my own life, I risked sharing them at times when I was younger and the results tended not to be encouraging or supportive. One of them had to do with writing and the person’s response to something I had written (not a publisher) was so negative that I did not risk writing anything for a few years after that. Going to a Writer’s Boot Camp in June 2015 in Colorado with Margaret Feinberg and Jonathan Merritt was a leap for me, but I learned many others there had had similar experiences. As part of the requirement to attend, each of us needed to set up a website and start a blog prior to coming. Yikes!! I was unnerved, but a graphic arts friend helped me get it set up and with my heart in my throat I began in May 2015. One of the great bonuses of this world we inhabit on the web has been getting acquainted with you and others from many varied and distant places that have enriched my life and encouraged my heart!


  10. Thank you for sharing your wonderful post at #OverTheMoon. I look forward to what you will share next week! Like someone in person today! We hope you’ll come back again next Sunday when we open our doors at 6:00 PM EST. Pinned and tweeted!


  11. What an inspiring post! It can definitely be intimidating to open up with your deepest desires. Thanks for linking up to #fridayfrivolity! Xx

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Michele – I love “Blind Bart” as we call him in our house…. I love how you portrayed his as a man with a dream! A dream to see and nothing would stop him for getting to Jesus. thank you for linking up with #TuneInThursday last week. I will see you later in the week.


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