Sunday Scripture ~ Psalm 46:7

There’s a reason why,
In the architecture of Your perfect poetry,
You ordained that this foundation of a phrase
Should bear repeating:

The Lord of hosts is with us;
The God of Jacob is our refuge.
Selah”  (Psalm 46:7 and 11)

Pausing at Your command
to reflect on words that should stop me in my tracks everyday
(but, often enough, do not),
I will carry the truth of Your presence
and Your protection
into this day of worship.

Lord of hosts, God of incomparable power;
God of Jacob, the One Who knows me by name:

You are present
in the Words of Truth spoken aloud
and in the joyful gatherings of family and friends–
evidence of Your delight in our pleasure.

God of the Angel Armies,
God of the Old Testament Patriarchs,
God of Middle-Aged Mothers
who grow weary and fall short:

Thank you that Who-You-Are
redeems who-I-am.

Thank you for the command to pause–
even on a busy Sunday morning.


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7 thoughts on “Sunday Scripture ~ Psalm 46:7”

  1. It seems as if we do so much rushing around…busy, busy, busy… We need to pause and have a certain reverence for silence. That is where we find often our thankfulness and the peace of God. There have been times in my life when I’ve wondered where God was and it wasn’t until I stopped and paused that I realized He had been there with me the entire time. I was just too busy to notice.


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