Christ’s willingness to hunker down, wizen up, and enter the darkness opens the door to his light and his life being formed in you and me.

To the Woman Who Feels Crowded by Christmas

We are covered to the elbows in red and green paint, but the festive wrapping paper stretched out to dry on the table before us more than justifies the mess. The toddler points to his distinctively tiny handprints and smiles his satisfaction, as his older brothers start wondering aloud about cocoa with candy cane stirrers. In that mental snapshot, I’m the tired mum, trusting that somehow I was helping my kids to connect the dots between homemade wrapping paper and the God who took on a body so he could save the world.

In the pursuit of Pinterest perfection superimposed upon catechesis, it’s easy to forget that family members will continue to require bath towels and clean underwear in the month of December, and that Advent season includes the routine preparation of at least 75 meals on top of all the other holiday baking and decorating. I wish I had known in those days of hand-crafted ornaments and caroling at the nursing home that Christmas is not a race or a responsibility, that celebration can be as small or as quiet as a story by candlelight—as imperfect and unassuming as a one-eyed gingerbread man.

If you are feeling crowded by Christmas; if you are looking at your calendar and your do-list and whispering, “How…?” it’s never too late to lower your expectations, lighten your load, and limit your activity level.

Today at (in)courage, I’m offering help for staying present to the wonder of Word made flesh, of Christ crowded into time and space and a feed box.


It would be a gift if you join me there….


Wishing you a spacious celebration of our Savior,

Michele Morin


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Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash

39 thoughts on “To the Woman Who Feels Crowded by Christmas”

  1. I think this is a lesson I am just now learning… it’s so hard to balance soaking up every moment of the season when the kids are little and everything seems so magical and balancing real life responsibilities. I always ended up so tired and so burnt out by Christmas day that I just felt relieved to have survived the season. But these past two or three years I have relaxed so much that I am finding that I am actually thoroughly enjoying the season! (because sometimes less really is more).


  2. In the past few years, I have lightened my load during the holiday season. It just became too much. Saying no can be a positive thing. As of this afternoon I am off work until the 6th of January. I am appreciating that much more than I can express. Time to enjoy the season with my family and rest up for the upcoming year. Thank you for linking up today and Merry Christmas!


  3. I think it took my nest emptying out, the arrival of the grandchildren, and a job that finds me working on Christmas to learn this lesson. I’m learning to be content with the little moments, enjoy the big perfect ones when and if they come, and to show myself a little grace.


  4. So wonderful to see you sharing your writing (and wisdom) at (in)courage, Michele. Reading this was a lovely respite for me. Here’s to leaning into those three short phrases … not just at Christmas, but all year long. Merry Christmas, my friend!


  5. This post gives such an important message. Well done for raising awareness of the extra stressors Christmas brings to those that may not truly appreciate what others go through! #ThatFridayLinky


  6. I quite enjoy all the rushing around preparing for Christmas. I often think I prefer that part to the actual day lol
    P.S. Thanks for linking up to #ChristmasCorner


  7. Michele, this is such a beautiful reminder to not get caught up in excessive expectations. I kept things so super low key this holiday season and while I was stressed by life, it was not amplified by all the holiday stuff. We enjoyed quiet little traditions with the children and made it special that way. Wishing you many blessings in the new year!


  8. Michelle as always you are a corner of calm on your blog! I find every single year that my biggest challenge at Christmas is to try and slow it all down and focus on some quiet, uninterrupted time with my family. Fortunately this year my twin pregnancy gave me no choice. I have just entered into the third trimester and with all this extra weight my body is forcing me to slow down and rest. As a result we all did much less than other years and simply stayed at home and it was bliss! I hope your holiday was peaceful and enjoyable too! Thank you as always for linking up to #globalblogging x


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