Prayers from a Mother’s Heart Because We’re All Mothers Together

Prayers from a Mother's Heart

When I have visiting grandchildren on a Sunday morning, sometimes I get to sit with them in the church nursery. It's a break for their mother and a treat for me. On a Sunday morning nursery date with Ruthie, we had a packed house with every rocking chair occupied and mums sitting on the floor… Continue reading Prayers from a Mother’s Heart Because We’re All Mothers Together

Use the Great Gift That’s Been Given to All Believers!

Use the Great Gift That's Been Given to All Believers!

For me, 2024 has been a year full of opportunities for in-person teaching with lots of invitations to share God's Word here in the great state of Maine. For a writer with mostly invisible online readers, the experience of seeing and interacting with my students is life-giving, and I've loved the personal connections. What most… Continue reading Use the Great Gift That’s Been Given to All Believers!

Jesus Answers the Question: What Does it Really Mean to be Righteous?

What Does It Really Mean to Be Righteous

I've lived through a good many phases of interpreting the Christian life, and maybe you remember some of them, too. In the 80s, young Christian women like me were encouraged to be fervent and verbal about our faith. It helped if somewhere along the way you'd experienced a Damascus Road turnaround with a gripping story.… Continue reading Jesus Answers the Question: What Does it Really Mean to be Righteous?

Wondering How to Pray with Wisdom for Your Adult Children?

Wondering How to Pray with Wisdom for Your Adult Children?

Roots and wings are the gifts Christian parents pass on to our children. We establish rules, give them responsibilities that build confidence and skill, and water those deep roots with lots of love and prayer, knowing that strengthening wings will soon carry our children away from home, out of reach of our influence and our protection. In my prayers for the four young men who are so close to my heart, I’m taking my cues from the book of Philippians.

Why Risk the Heavy Responsibility of Being a Teacher?

Why Risk the Heavy Responsibility of Being a Teacher?

Sometimes the words of scripture seem to be written in bold type or inscribed on an envelope personally addressed to me. Even the verses about godly mothering and the warnings to contentious wives don't hold a candle to Jesus's cautionary words to teachers in the Sermon on the Mount...

Mud Season Prayers: There Is No Mess Too Big for God to Clean Up

There's no mess too big for God to clean up!

Whatever time in your family’s life feels like mud season to you, don’t let yourself get stuck! Turn your frustration and anxiety into arrow prayers, and remind your heart that there is no mess too big for God to clean up.

Genuine Character Leads to Influence: Does Your Life Make People Thirsty?

Does Your Life Make People Thirsty?

When Jesus encountered the Samarian woman at the well in Sychar, their conversation about water quickly became a conversation about thirst. Her life was leaving her thirsty, and even though she was the person holding the water jar, she realized that Jesus was drawing from a well from which she had never drawn. His words,… Continue reading Genuine Character Leads to Influence: Does Your Life Make People Thirsty?

An Argument for the Importance of Silence in Your Noisy Life

An Argument for the Importance of Silence in Your Noisy Life

How’s YOUR relationship with the discipline of silence? Twice in Psalm 62, David exhorts his own soul to “wait in silence,” and 21st-century believers need to have the same conversation with our souls.