Art as a Holy Partnership

According to Richard Rohr, the prophets in a social structure stand off-center in a place of observation. Their position on “the edge of inside” affords them a view that is informed and yet independent. From this vantage point, the Apostle John was given the divine direction:  “Write what you see.” And he saw plenty.

Artists are those who are given the gift of vision. A poet renders nature as a network of words; a watercolor artist spreads light and dark with a damp brush. In four places in Scripture, God is identified metaphorically as a potter, and, made in his image, we also delight in the creation of useful and beautiful things. This response to beauty should not surprise us, for it is a mark of the Maker. The glory of this is that as seers, we become partners in revelation; we bring beauty into view.


The Redbud Post this month features articles about Art as a Christian, and I’m grateful for the privilege of adding my own thoughts on the topic. The writing of Luci Shaw, Makoto Fujimura, and Andrew Peterson have inspired me to some sacred ponderings, and I invite you into the process here, as usual, and also over at The Redbud Post where you can read the rest of my essay and also take in a half dozen or more other articles on the same topic. Join me there?


What life-giving practices enable you to honor God and embody the gospel while, at the same time, cultivating the creativity that is at the heart of what it means to be fully human?

Are you living in awareness of the rich evidence of purpose, the fingerprints of God upon his world, and then inviting others into the creative process?

Can we listen and respond to the voice of God as he speaks truth to the world (and directly to our searching hearts) through beauty, order, and grace?

Do we view the circumstances of our lives (whatever they may be) as the continual reshaping and remaking of our Potter God?

What might God be saying to you about the creativity that is your gift from Him?
What is God’s invitation to you in this? I’d love to hear about it in the comments below…

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Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

22 thoughts on “Art as a Holy Partnership”

  1. the bright colors right up top have breathed a bit of energy and life into this cloudy day. actually, when I clicked on your post, the sun came out bright and clear!



  2. Discovered Bible Journaling a few years back to add artwork to my Bible as I read. However, I’m no artist, but fun anyway as it helps to illuminate some things to remember of the passages.


  3. These all sound like beautiful books, Michele. I’ve just put he Andrew Peterson book on my wishlist; I really appreciate his writing and his music. But you have surely stirred my heart today, as God has been calling me to release some of my earlier projects that I had set aside. He does want us to share the beauty that He gives us! Blessings to you dear Michele!


    1. I could sit down and re-read Andrew’s book once again and enjoy it just as fully.
      And I do appreciate all the ways you share your delightful gifting, Bettie. Blesings to you as you discern each new step along your path of projects.


  4. The best writing sessions I ever have is whenever I ask God to help me – it’s amazing the ideas that come to me. You might ask, “why don’t you always ask before ANY project?” I don’t know … sometimes the human in me just wants to rush right into it!


  5. Art of any kind (even writing) has always intimidated me because since I was a child I just wasn’t good at it. I even remember how I felt in 6th grade art class when we had to make these medieval shields out of construction paper and I couldn’t cut a straight line LOL I have journaling Bibles I haven’t even used because I am afraid the minute I make a mark in them I am going to ruin them. I need to let go and just learn to embrace my own creativity (flawed or not LOL) I think because my brother is an artist I always felt art has to be perfect. But art is perfect because of what God inspires in us and I need to embrace that. Thank you for reminding me that creativity is about what God has planted in us and thank you for linking up @worthbeyondrubies


    1. Oh, Diane, I’m so glad you are letting go of the straight jacket of perfectionism and embracing your God-given gift of creativity. I think comparison does steal our joy on so many levels.


  6. I believe art is a gift, it’s not something I was blessed with no matter how hard I try. Thank you for linking with #pocolo I hope everyone is well and safe and look forward to you linking up again later this week


  7. Thank you for sharing at #OverTheMoon. Pinned and shared. Have a lovely week. I hope to see you at next week’s party too! Please stay safe and healthy. Come party with us at Over The Moon! Catapult your content Over The Moon! @marilyn_lesniak @EclecticRedBarn

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