What keeps you from being a feather on the breath of God?

What Keeps You from Being a Feather on the Breath of God?

In this first week of January, I am already ignoring one of my every-year resolutions–the one where I promise myself not to use up all the lines in my planner every single day with things to do and places to go. There’s something so freeing about white space in those tight little squares that represent my life. I want to leave room for God to work, to breathe his plan into a day that is not trussed up like a corseted ribcage with no room for air–God’s or mine!

Last winter I wrote a poem about a day outside with my granddaughter. She was two and just learning about the logistics of walking in snow. Even so, it seemed her feet barely touched the ground as we stomped circular trails in our snow-covered yard. Hildegarde of Bingen described herself as a “feather on the breath of God,” and that image floated into my mind on that beautiful, light-as-air day, which then found its way into a poem I’ve shared over at Awake Our Hearts.

We are so weighted down with our do-lists and our already-set-in-cement plans that I’m afraid we’ve lost our feathery identity. What keeps you from responding to the breath of God when it comes?

Pull on some warm socks, grab your mittens, and meet me over there for a short visit and a little prayer:

Lord, may I, too, learn
to hover, held
on your breath,
falling forward
in blessed lightness.

Feathery blessings to you,

Awake Our Hearts is an online literary publication celebrating the gift of creativity, faith, God’s goodness and beauty, and the voice of women. Click here to receive regular updates!

Photo by Marek Okon on Unsplash

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41 thoughts on “What Keeps You from Being a Feather on the Breath of God?”

  1. Michele, the poem is just beautiful. The mornings are especially the white space reserved for time with God. May I learn to hover in His Presence so I can go through my day with blessed lightness. Thank you for joining me at Let’s Have Coffee as you are most appreciated!


  2. Oh, I can just imagine you and your precious little granddaughter stamping a circle in the snow. What a beautiful poem. Heading over to read the rest of the article.


  3. I try very hard not to fill up our days with to do lists as I don’t really like to be on the go much. I prefer the quiet and simple.


  4. Yes oh YES Michele. I have my day plan but already see how God upends it for my good and others’ encouragement. The phone rings. A text blips. A friend knocks. An opportunity jumps before my mind’s eye. The Sun beckons… He has His ways of disrupting my orderly plans. Your poetic lines capture the moment and the desire to live lightly so delightfully. They are now imprinted on my mind. Thank you for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Such a great thought Michele. May we each leave space in our plans and expectations for God to lead us! Thank you for sharing, and happy New Year!


  6. Beautiful! Thank you for sharing this.
    My own failings keep me from being “light as a feather.” The last 5 years have had moments of light, but mostly just shadows and fog as I slog through challenges. I am beginning to despair of ever feeling anything but worn out this side of heaven.


    1. My heart aches for you, Shauna. So sorry to hear exhaustion in your words. Isaiah 43 describes a God who is with us in the floods and the fires of life. May you sense his strength and empowering for whatever is ahead.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. I never set resolutions, I just have lists of things I want to do throughout life and make short, mid and long term plans. I do love to tick things off though and re write my goals as I go.

    Thanks for joining in with #PoCoLo Hope you had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


  8. Just came from Handmade in Israel – so that’s where i recognized your face from:):) Whet a a beautiful thought – I can see myself floating, carried by the Holy Spirit wind…:)


      1. Thank you – it is indeed a moment by moment watching for the right attitude and peace of mind, instead of straying from “the way.”

        Liked by 1 person

  9. I commented on another blog post earlier today about how much we can learn from children and their willingness to always remain in the present moment and float through life like feathers. Another wonderfully inspiring post. Thanks for linking with me.



  10. Thank you for sharing at #OverTheMoon. Pinned and shared. Have a lovely week. I hope to see you at next week’s party too! Please stay safe and healthy. Come party with us at Over The Moon! Catapult your content Over The Moon! @marilyn_lesniak @EclecticRedBarn

    Liked by 1 person

  11. A little spontaneity and freedom is so valuable right now as the routine is a little overpowering at times. Thanks for linking up with #MischiefAndMemories


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