In Your Dealings with Jesus, Begin with Awe and then Move On

Sunday Scripture

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God.”   (John 1:1)

John begins his story about the life of Jesus on this planet by revealing to his readers what it had taken him nearly three long years to absorb:
Jesus, the man who walked dusty Palestinian roads, who ate and drank and got tired and spoke gritty truth, was more than just a teacher or a prophet. He was God in the flesh.

John wants his readers to begin with awe and then move on into the stories of what Jesus did and what he said, for the words and the deeds will support that feeling of awe. Jesus, the Word, embodied God’s message to us. He bore witness to the truth about God and he, himself, is the message from God.

This Sunday, let’s rejoice in God’s great rescue plan, and may He help us to see the glory of it and to respond in awe and worship.

Holding you in the light,

Jesus, the man who walked dusty Palestinian roads, who ate and drank and got tired and spoke gritty truth, was more than just a teacher or a prophet. He was God in the flesh.

The new issue of Joyful Life Magazine can now be pre-ordered, and it includes an article from me! Look for “If I’m Already Forgiven, Why Do I Need to Confess My Sins?” The fall print publication will orient our gaze toward the beautiful growth and change that the Lord is working in our hearts and our homes.

Best of all, the first 100 to pre-order will receive some special bonus gifts.


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13 thoughts on “In Your Dealings with Jesus, Begin with Awe and then Move On”

  1. Something I read said the other three gospels present Jesus from the ground up–beginning with His humanity and the slow realization that He is deity. But John, this source said, presents Him from heaven down, showing Him as God right off the bat. We do need that blow us over, stop us in our tracks awe.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Ann Voskamp wrote in 1000 Gifts, “Awe ignites joy because it makes us bend the knee.” John accomplishes just that with the opening to his gospel. Praise God for inspiring such glorious expression!


  3. I’ve never thought about the other books C S Lewis has written, I just think of the Lion, the witch and the wardrobe

    Thanks for linking with #pocolo and hope to see you back soon


  4. I love to read C S Lewis! I love how John ends his gospel,(ESV) “Now there are also many other things that Jesus did. Were every one of them written, I suppose that the world itself could not contain the books that would be written.” I can’t wait to one day find out about all of the things He did here in the world! Thanks for sharing on Traffic Jam Weekend at!

    Liked by 1 person

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