
“As for man, his days are as grass;
As a flower of the field, so he flourishes.
For the wind passes over it, and it is gone,
And the place thereof remembers it no more.”   Psalm 103:15, 16

Every day there are fewer shingles — and more bare roof.
Every day there is less barn and more sky
It becomes clear to us that walls are also passing away,
A melancholy nod to the flowers of the field
Who spend their winters in barn-storage,
The wind having already passed over their flourishing.
There is merit,
(wisdom at least)
In the contemplation of
A barn-less field,
A me-less world:
“Teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom.”
But Old Testament poets notwithstanding,
There will be a Second Wind,
Who will tease mortal hay back into clover, timothy, succulent greens;
Stir the dry bones;
Reconstitute my known frame, while that Living Wind whispers,

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30 thoughts on ““Resurrection””

  1. All these years I’ve been writing – first a monthly column in a local paper then a website and lastly in a blog I’ve always had a seed of an idea of what I would write next. All these years I’ve never struggled to come up with my Easter composition. Until this year. I don’t know if I’m just beat down by the trials all around me or if I am, at this stage, more in awe of what Christ’s resurrection really means and it renders me wordless but this year I am floundering. Overwhelmed. What you wrote here is what I wish I could have written. Such a blessing. Thank you.


    1. Oh, Meema, I do think that this has been a hard winter, and so many of us are struggling to find a voice that says “resurrection.” Your words to me are so encouraging. Blessings to you as you live your way into His spring in your heart.


  2. I loved the way you illustrated this truth with your beautiful words. Yes, there is resurrection to look forward to.


  3. Absolutely beautiful, Michele. I am quietly reflecting upon the words and the picture of the wind and the barn and the less-ness of things. Then I remember that God gave us His MORE so that we could be less and be an image of Christ here on this earth. One day, we will be caught up and be with Him.
    Praising God for your words as they have touched my heart.
    Visiting from Faith & Fellowship.
    Caring through Christ, ~ linda


  4. This. This causes me to catch my breath.

    A few years back, we lost our historical barn, one that stood on a stone foundation and was held together with wooden pegs. It was crumbling. But then one day… one minute is was there. And with a blast of wind, the next minute it wasn’t. We are barn-less now. But we have everything.

    Resurrection blessings, my friend.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I love your words about resurrection and believe that we can choose to live a resurrected life with Jesus. Spring teaches us that new life is coming but the remembrance each year that Jesus died and rose for us renews who I am in Christ. It is always so humbling. Thank you for sharing this at The Weekend Brew. Happy Easter!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Resurrection is what counts on me forever and ever. Only a few days after being at a church in Tacoma on Resurrection Day, one of the leaders thoroughly broke into my thoughtfulness and the following Friday…4/15/66…I came to the Lord officially. Been nearly 49 years and that was a significant blessing or I would have continuing in the wrong portion of my life. I’m a grateful lady. I was 20 then, and, in 3 months I’ll be 70. He is all that counts forever and ever, as I said at the beginning. Thank you much!


  7. Lovely. This post brought to mind Isaiah 40:6-8; it’s very similar to the Psalm you quoted, but it concludes with “but the Word of the Lord endures forever.” Hallelujah! I’m glad you linked up with us at Grace & Truth!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I live in a land where there are many crumbling barns and windswept fields, so your poem really spoke to me. Thank you for sharing today at the Loft, Michele.


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