The More You Were Made For

The “More” You Were Made For

“Again!” he demanded with a giggle, his eyes sparkling with joy and anticipation. And so we did it. We read the book again . . . and again.

My grandson doesn’t look for thrills in the new and different. He finds his greatest joy in more and more of what he knows and loves. The truth is, I want to accommodate his requests, but I get bored with the same old words and pictures.

“Let’s read this one!” I offer and try to tempt him with the brightly colored illustrations because I’m weary of the same, old same-old.  I’m the girl who curates a varied menu, struggles with a homeschool curriculum, and despises shopping because repetition is where my soul goes to die.

However, when I’m with my grandson, he schools me in the delight of the present moment. His fondest dream is to keep on doing what we’re doing, and in his joyful abandon, he turns my heart toward God.

I’m kicking off the 2018 project for God-sized Dreams in which we will be discussing You’re Made for a God-Sized Dream by Holley Gerth. At the rate of two chapters per month, this is very relaxed and fun, and you’re welcome to join the discussion on Facebook or Instagram each Friday.

Click here to read the rest of my insights on Chapter 1, and be sure to share your thoughts on where God is leading you in pursuit of His glorious More in 2018.

The More You Were Made for

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55 thoughts on “The “More” You Were Made For”

  1. So that brought back a memory. My oldest loved The Three Little Pigs. One day, in an admittedly desperate move, I read it in a sing song fashion. A dark cloud appeared over her two year old head as she rebuked me – ‘Stop saying it like that!’ So much for change.

    You are such an inspiration! Happy New Year!


    1. I’ve been in that desperate place, and have received that same kind of toddler-ish rebuke. The routine they love feels like a little death — which is, of course, exactly what God intends.


  2. We are big into repetition around here, as you can imagine with two preschoolers! They love the same books, shows, toys, games…and you get the picture. It takes patience to engage with them in the same activities every day. Parenting is definitely a lesson in staying present every day! 🙂 (Visiting from Hello, Monday)


    1. Yes, parenting seems to be a journey of learning to say the hard “no” to our selfishness. I’m thankful for the rough edges that get worn off when I let God teach me patience in the small lessons.


  3. Oh I can remember reading the same books over and over and over again with each of my boys until I literally knew the entire book(s) by heart. Kids really do love repetition don’t they?


  4. Love this story about your grandson and I recall those days as well with our children and our grandchildren when they were young like yours. I confess, however, that I rewatch certain movies and replay certain pieces of music for the very same reasons your grandson loves the same book read to him repeatedly. Blessings on your new year, my friend!


  5. Sometimes the term “God-sized dream” may conjure visions of best-selling books, wide-reaching counseling ministries, a full calendar of speaking engagements – so I appreciate more than I can say that you emphasized the mundane and even the repetitive as part of our calling. That’s where most people are, I think, and where most of us need encouragement that even this – the same meals, dishes, tasks, etc. – is where God wants to meet with us and use us.


  6. I read some where that sunrises and sunsets, endless repetitions of beauty, is the perfect example of how children reflect God’s desire to “do it again!”


  7. Life is so simple when seen through childlike eyes. And don’t they have it right. Why change the thing that brings us delight. Happy New Year. Dropping by from MondayMusings.


  8. I know this phase! I couldn’t return the hungry catterpillar book to the library as my little one couldn’t get enough of it! I had to shop for one, before I could return it back!


  9. Oh, how I remember those days when my grandchildren were young! I have saved some of those books for their children. We have much to learn from their enjoyment of the present everyday things, don’t we! Blessings for 2018, Michele!


    1. I have some favorites that I used to read every year. There’s something so comforting and right about some story lines that you just have to return to them. I hadn’t thought about that aspect, Debbie, but I’m sure that predictability factors into young children’s need for repetition.


  10. Kids really thrive in repetition. My word for this year is Consistency so I’m thinking my life will be filled with repetition in 2018 :). I love how the precious littles in our worlds teach us so many important things like being present. What a sweet memory with your grandson, Michele. That book looks great too. I love Holley’s stuff!


  11. Michele, great post! Children have a way of teaching us, dont they? “And a little child shall lead them.” As I read your post, I couldn’t help but think of one of my fave verses from Scripture Psalm 30:5. Blessed to be your neighbor at Porch Stories this week.


    1. We’ll be pondering this together, Linda, because so much of my life is centered around repetition — all needful and important to the functioning of my family. Isn’t it wonderful that I can meet God there and He promises to use it all for my good and His glory?


  12. Michele, I had to smile as I read your post. My youngest loved to hear the same story over and over . . . and over. Even still both my boys re-read their books many times. There’s something comforting in the familiar. I need to remember that God wants us to always stay close to Him, to want to be near Him and reading His word. I’m seeing that each time I read through the Bible I learn more about our Lord.

    I hope your new year is off to a great start!


    1. Yes, I guess we don’t ever outgrow our need for the safety of routine and the love of the familiar. And we learn so much about God in the routine of reading and re-reading Truth. Thanks for taking time to share your thoughts here, Jeanne!

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Grandchildren are often joy on repeat, aren’t they? They can probably instruct us on having God-sized dreams too, not that Holley needs help with that.


  14. Love your insights about how God is calling us for more of Him and more intimacy! He has been teaching me as well that being faithful with those in front of me is most important and the biggest dream. Blessings in the new year


  15. Now that’s also a lesson in patience! lol I’ve had my eye on that book before, and I’ll need to think and pray about whether or not I’ll have time to add another thing right now. Have a great day!


  16. This book sounds so good! I’m not reading much this year because of persistent migraines, but I still have some pretty big dreams.


  17. Oh wow, Michele, what an inspiring and thought provoking post…this… “repetition is where my soul goes to die” really resonates with me. Isn’t it funny how we as adults get bored so quickly ? Yet, I find I am always yelling at my kids when the phrase “I’m bored” comes out of their mouths. But there is something in repetition and steadfast routine that we all need and crave as well. And we complete our routines every day without nary an expression of boredom. It is time for me to investigate further on this topic, I think….thank you for provoking that! And thanks for joining my link up.



    1. Yes to “steadfast routine”, and I also remember exulting in all the benefits of boredom when my kids were littles.
      It ‘s so good to hear your thoughts on this. Happy investigating!


  18. Grandbabies are such a blessing! We start out thinking of all the things we’ll teach them never realizing the things they’ll teach us. Thank you Michele for linking up at the #BloggingGrandmothersLinkParty 23. I shared your post on Fb, G+, Pin, and Tw.


  19. I have never thought of repetitive-ness being delight in the here and now. I like it. I’m going to remember it. It makes me wonder if my wander-lust comes from lack of being satisfied where I’m at. Naw. I LOVE new places! 🙂 Thanks for provoking thought!


    1. It’s good that you are aware of your sense of wonder over new things! Me, too, and it’s been a surprise to me that I’ve been able to reside at this address for almost 25 years. Obviously a work of grace!


  20. Thanks for sharing your insights.

    My granddaughter often hears me say, “Boy you are always on rinse and repeat”. Haha. I loved G.K. Chesterson’s insight into why children like to “do it again”.

    This sounds like an interesting perspective that I don’t think I’ve ever seen discussed before; the delight of repetitiveness.


    1. Isn’t that just the best Chesterton quote? I’m so glad to be FINALLY reading Orthodoxy so I”ll get the context for that and other wonderful words from his great mind and heart.


  21. My little guys are just the same way, and I’m so much like you! “Can we please read a different book?” gets heard around here all too often from my mouth! Thanks for sharing at Booknificent Thursday on! Always a pleasure to have you!


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