When it comes to paths, for today or for the future, we trust, and we are safe because our trust is founded in a God who is trustworthy.

Today’s Walk is Today’s Blessing

Sunday Scripture

Double digit temperatures and wintry sunshine called me outdoors. The dog and I headed for the wooded trails where the ground was frozen solid with no mud and very little ice to speak of. We did speak of it, though, because it was glorious to be walking between rows of bare trees on trails packed down by four-wheeler tires and size 14 hunting boots.

“Why don’t we do this every day?” I asked the dog, but as soon as the words hit the air, the obvious answer flew to mind:  These same paths are usually impassible in winter:  slick with ice, buried in snow, or awash in muddy puddles.

Today’s walk is today’s blessing.

This is serviceable truth for the coming year. I don’t know what the walking conditions will be next week, and on a larger scale, I don’t know the shape of the life paths where I will be asked to put my feet.

And neither do you.

At the beginning of a new year, we trust for future grace on the basis of grace that has already been given. When it comes to paths, for today or for the future, we trust, and we are safe because our trust is founded in a God who is trustworthy:

Make your paths known to me, O Lord;
Teach me your ways.”  (Psalm 25:4)


Blessings to you in the new year,

michele signature[1]

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46 thoughts on “Today’s Walk is Today’s Blessing”

  1. Amen! This is just beautiful, Michele. May we trust Him as we journey today and the days ahead, for He holds each day in His hands. Blessings!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Perfectly, perfect in every way. Not sure why Julie Andrew’s voice as Mary Poppins popped into my head, but your post is a perfect example of every day life. Enjoy every teeny, tiny moment and thankful for it, as yes, the path takes many turns as we journey life’s path. Even the not so great paths, as I look back, were really not so bad after all because the goodness outweighed. 🙂 Thanks for the positive post needed today.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh, that’s so funny! I love that line from Mary Poppins, and am glad you found it to be true of today’s post.
      Happy 2020, and may you sense that God is guiding all your paths this year.


  3. I’ve just been thinking about the fact that God often leads just a step, a path at a time. We don’t get the blueprint for the rest of our lives, but we follow and obey step by step.

    I also love the truth that “we trust for future grace on the basis of grace that has already been given.” So many times God rehearsed Israel’s history with them. What a blessing and assurance that just as God led in the path, He’ll lead in the future.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I heard a great line on a podcast recently: God promises light for our path–not our football field! And I like your image: no blueprints are being dispensed in this life!
      But we do have a rich history of God’s faithfulness in our lives and the lives of others.


  4. “Today’s walk is today’s blessing.” Much wisdom in just five words, Michele! Each evening (or the next morning) I review the day’s events and write down one noteworthy blessing in a journal. Nearly three years of entries prove: God IS trustworthy; there is always something to celebrate!

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  5. “…and on a larger scale, I don’t know the shape of the life paths where I will be asked to put my feet.” I think of all the possibilities that a year can bring, and likely none of the ones I imagine will even happen. I do make plans, but I’ve learned I better hold them loosely and let God make a way for me instead. Thanks for this beautiful reflection, Michele.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for reading, Lisa. As our families enlarge to make space for the grands, I think the possibilities for the unknown become even greater. Trusting along with you that our faith will be growing to keep pace!


  6. Michele, Happy New Year! Psalm 25:4 is one of those verses that just resonates every time I read it. I so appreciate your reminder that we don’t really know where we’ll be asked to walk this year. But thank goodness for the One who does know and will lead us on our paths and walk alongside us. One thing I have learned at the beginning of each year is, no matter what I think the year will look like, God always has more and deeper things for me than I can anticipate. May your 366 days be filled with His presence and His leading.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Short, simple and jam-packed with truth for us, Michele! I bet Maine is just breath-taking at this time of year, even though part of that may be due to the freezing temps! Wish I could walk those trails with you and your dog, but I think I just did! 😉 Happy New Year, friend!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. this right here, Michele, yes –> ‘ we trust for future grace on the basis of grace that has already been given.’

    i’m going to etch this truth someplace right now. like on my heart …

    God has been so very faithful. His character doesn’t change.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Love that verse, Michele! —> Make Your paths known to me, O Lord; Teach me Your ways” (Ps 25:4). It’s my verse for 2020 and my prayer! Thank you for this encouraging post!

    Thanks for linking up at InstaEncouragements!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. I love those crisp, wintry walks, they are so beautiful and refreshing! The Lord uses everything around us to teach us lessons about Him and how He wants us to live in trust. We don’t know the way ahead, but we know the One we walk with and He is faithful!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. A great post showing that you just have to enjoy the day. Appreciate the moment and go with it. I LOVE THIS! Thank you for linking up and have the BEST weekend!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. And the very best wishes to you too for the new year Michelle! Your committed belief and positive outlook is always a breath of fresh air! Thank you as always for linking up to #globalblogging x

    Liked by 1 person

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