Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing."  (I Thessalonians 5:11)

Do You Need Encouragement to Keep on Singing?

Sunday Scripture

Spring is still a bit hard to notice here on the hill. Luci Shaw would say that it’s “a promise in the closed fist of a long winter,” and the chunk of snow still melting on the north, shaded side of the house would attest to that poetic description. Even so, there is hope in the increased confidence and melodic recklessness of the early morning birdsong.

My dear Auntie Dawn is every minute of ninety years old, and yet she has found the secret to perennial spring of heart, mind, and imagination. All my life she has informed me that the reason why birds sing so beautifully in the spring of the year is to encourage the buds on the trees to open.

“Now, wait a minute,” you might be saying. “We are women of science here, and we know that the buds open in response to increased hours of daylight as our planet leans ever closer to the sun. Those buds are responding to the warming temperatures that signal it’s time for the life of the tree to start moving up from the roots and into the branches.”

Well, yes…
However, there’s so much we don’t know about cause and effect and the God in whom “all things hold together” that I don’t think he minds one bit if I listen to the birds and start watching for the buds to swell bright red on the maple trees. Maybe they are encouraged by the birds. (I know I am!)

The truth is, I think our encouragement of one another can feel a bit like spring bird song. Paul admonished the believers in Thessalonica in this way:

Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.”  (I Thessalonians 5:11)

There are days when I have a hard time seeing the connection between what I’m doing and any particular outcome at all. Is there a single atom or molecule in the universe that is being affected by my tiny act of service to God or to his people? Maybe to you also it seems more likely that the cardinal chirping his heart out in the top of the old pine tree behind the garden is helping the fat green buds somewhere nearby to stretch into the sunshine! One thing is certain:  the cardinal is not thinking about outcomes right now–he’s just singing his song!

My encouragement to you today is to keep on singing, too. Keep on sharing your homemade  muffins. Or writing cheerful notes. Or calling/texting your people to check on them. Or putting on your mask and providing excellent patient care. Or facing the homeschool curriculum for another day. Or showing up to scan groceries for worried customers.

Among all those Things We Don’t Know that I mentioned earlier is the way our loving acts of service and encouragement will land on someone’s heart. They may never get around to telling you, but your small offering of love could change their whole day.

Too, I’ve noticed that sometimes I am the one who needs the heart change that comes from serving someone else. Maybe you are singing your heart out in this challenging time because of some good work that God wants to do in you.

How are you being changed by the simple, unseen, and yet God-directed acts of encouragment that he has assigned to you in these days of uncertainty?

Thank you for all the ways you encourage me!

Michele (1)


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94 thoughts on “Do You Need Encouragement to Keep on Singing?”

  1. Michele, we need to encourage one another in these days we are living. It is what spurs us on and forward each day. May we press in and pay attention as the Lord shows us who we are to reach out to today. Blessings to you and yours! And stay safe!


  2. Your words here certainly provided me with some much need encouragement, Michele. I love the declaration your aunt made about the birds singing the buds into being. Whether it’s true or not really doesn’t matter. Let’s just keep on singing!


  3. I truly believe that all things work together in God’s creation and that, yes, all of our tiny acts of faith and obedience and love, thought unseen, have an eternal ripple effect.


    Grateful for this today and those birds we can take a life lesson from them I often wonder when I am outside doing
    my God and spirit work just what are they singing about. May we all go about our day with a song in our heart
    and keep on singing and well we are at it lets not forget to sing God’s praises for each and everything everyday!!


  5. As you say with your Aunt, at my age now, I often look back at my grandparents, aunts and uncles, and the life they had in the day; which by comparison we are very well spoiled in today’s world. Yet, they seemed much happier without all the fuss of things. Like the birds that scripture reminds He takes care of same as we. So singing is good. Singing praises, and seeing how people do really care for each other is a blessing as this Flu season plays out. Stay well.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Ahhh, this was a breath of fresh air to my heart! I love picturing blooming buds as the blue jay or cardinal sings! I love thinking how God has given me the ability to be an encourager to others and that even when skies may be gray, we can bring in God’s light and love to those we are around! This was an encouragement to me, Michele!


  7. Ahhhh, I think everything we do for Him gives Him joy, then whatever He does with it we will see or hear the outcome in Heaven. We just keep on singing anyhooo enticing the buds of new love for Him 😉
    Bless you Michele,


  8. There are days I sit down at my piano and sing when no one is around. There are other days all I can do is listen to music. Watching church online I find the sound of my own voice irritating, so I listen to the message of the songs. Just as I cannot sing like a cardinal or robin, I still appreciate the songs they sing and am happy just listening.
    I found a coloring book a few months back that is hymn titles, and I like to search for the songs in my music app on my phone and just listen while I am coloring. I enjoy modern praise music, but I greatly miss
    hearing the familiar hymns I grew up with. The coloring book has helped me fill that void a little.
    I really enjoyed this post! I think too often we forget about the little stories and snippets our older generations shared with us.


    1. There are so many ways that music can encourage us–our own efforts, the gifts of others, and then that faithful birds with their songs. And yes–I am truly blessed by the stories and wisdom of my dear aunt.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. That’s such a great challenge to us all, Michele, especially as believers. We have this incredible opportunity to shine brightly for Christ in all sorts of practical and kind ways. I’m going to ask God to give me some ideas for doing this sometime this week! Pinning, my friend!


  10. I love this post. That is one of my favourite verses. We are to build one another up, we are to pray quietly and not boastfully, and we are to continue doing good as God will help us to not grow weary. And, most importantly, we are to love one another.


  11. Beautiful sparrows wake up me every single morning these days. I do believe they sing for a reason God created them to do 🙂

    My post has been on the theme “ when God puts a song “ and I loved reading your post


  12. Michele,
    We are on the same wavelength – writing about singing our song. We’ve been blessed to be able to eat meals on our screened in porch and it’s like we are dining in the aviary. I love listening to all the distinctive calls back and forth and I can buy in that they call forth the leaves to pop! When I get to feeling restless, I do find that doing something…even something as simple as writing a note to someone with pen and notepaper brings a note of joy to my heart. Thanks for the encouragement to keep looking for these opportunities.
    Bev xx


  13. I’m smiling at every bud, every bird, every bit of green growth I can find. It’s good to be outdoors again … even if I’m wearing the winter coat more often than I’d like.

    Spring comes late to New England, doesn’t it! I’m still getting used to that truth 5 years after moving here.

    Bless you, Michele …


    1. Yes, I keep trying to leave my winter coat at home and then finding that I really DO need it. Spring is coming, I know it, and the birds are announcing hope. It’s just so cold…


  14. Beautiful, Michele. And just what I needed to read this morning. I love the idea of the birds singing to the trees to encourage them to open up their leaves and I love the encouragement I get when reading the bloggers I follow. What a wonderful, generous community. Thank you for singing to us through this post!


    1. We are so blessed to be able to stay in touch even though the rule of the day is separation and isolation.
      I appreciate your gift of words, and am always challenged by your thinking.


  15. I’ve never heard that before, but it’s a sweet thought. It’s true we never know who is seeing what we do or who might be encouraged by an “everyday” act of faithfulness. I need to be better about letting people know when I observe something that blesses and encourages me.


  16. Ahhh, Michele, I love the picture of the birds’ singing being instrumental in helping tree buds to open! Yesterday morning, they were especially chipper here. What you said about how the cardinal sings his song to sing . . . what a great word picture for us. We can keep on singing, encouraging, in how we live out our days.

    I have enjoyed writing notes to friends who are struggling. I’ve been the recipient of encouragement in various forms as well. I’ve been busy enough with life with our boys at home that I haven’t spent as much time in encouraging as I want to. Your post has me thinking . . .


    1. We’re like the cardinals when we find out what God has created us to do and then do it with full throated joy! Yesterday I was feeling kind of blah, so I emailed someone and sent off some pictures to them, and it’s amazing how quickly my mood turned around.


  17. I love this idea that the birds singing help open the buds of the trees! Yes, science cannot explain everything! And God created all to work together! Everything we do is special, even when we think it is mundane. Thank you for this encouraging post, Michelle!


  18. Michele, thanks so much for sharing this message! These days have been leaving us feeling so uncertain wondering if we should continue the path toward our goals or stand still and wait. Staying motivated can be difficult, but reminders like these let us know that all things have purpose and we must sometimes just blindly embrace faith in our higher power. Thanks for sharing and linking up.



  19. I LOVE the idea that the birds sing so loudly in the Spring to encourage the buds to come forth. 🙂

    I have been watching birds ever since I was a small child. There is much to learn from them, as you have pointed out.

    Thanks for sharing.


  20. Oh. Michele, this is such a time when encouragement is vital! I find that notes written, whether I receive them or write them, give me that sweet song! A phone call, even a text or email. My Monday morning women’s prayer group has been Zoom conferencing and that has been wonderful to see faces. My Sunday school teacher taught
    a lesson this morning on our Seasoned Saints Tuesday 10 AM time slot on Facebook. First time and it was so encouraging. So many ways we can encourage one another and we need to reach out. As my post this week says, we also need to draw nearer to God! I love you, ~ linda


    1. I’ve been grateful for God’s timing in all this, for it does seem that he sends the right kind of encouragement just when it is most needed. For example, it’s so good to be seeing your smiling face here today.


  21. Such a wonderfully encouraging post! We do need to keep our ‘neighbors’ in mind as we navigate this world 🙂

    It’s delightful to see you over at ‘My Corner of the World’ this week!


  22. I don’t know about the buds, but I am cheered by the sound of birds singing in the spring! These are days when I need encouragement more than usual, and I can see that those around me do as well. May we all do our part in cheering and encouraging those we come in contact with, and I think we’ll find that we are encouraged as we do.

    Have a blessed week!


  23. What a beautiful reminder! I know when others have kept on sharing the encouragement with me, it instantly makes my day better. Time to pass it on myself


  24. Love this. Yes, I like to believe the birds are singing the tree buds open too. The Psalms state that creation sings God’s praises. We are making a difference too. Even when we don’t feel it. I like how the birds don’t worry about the outcome and only sing. Let me be more like a bird.


  25. I know I am much encouraged by the birds’ singing! It makes me smile and my heart swell just a bit because I know that means spring and warm temperatures are on their way. What a wonderful analogy. Thank you so much for sharing with us at Encouraging Hearts and Home. Pinned.


  26. Such a beautiful post, Michele.
    The birds are singing to open the buds on the trees? I believe it! What a wonderful Creator we have who ordered our world just so.


  27. Thank goodness for the sunshine and the blackbird who keeps singing in my back garden #,thatfridaylinky @_karendennis


  28. Encouragement is so important. It provides growth of the heart and spirit. Thank you for linking up and stay well.


  29. Thank you for sharing at #OverTheMoon. Pinned and shared. Have a lovely week. I hope to see you at next week’s party too! Please stay safe and healthy. Come party with us at Over The Moon! Catapult your content Over The Moon! @marilyn_lesniak @EclecticRedBarn

    Liked by 1 person

  30. Lovely words of encouragement Michele! And you have just reminded me that I have been meaning to make cupcakes for my lovely friend and neighbour who is always bringing gifts to my daughters and at Easter dropped chocolate eggs on our doorstep for them. I’m always so busy these days with my baby twins that I haven’t gotten around to it yet but I will try my best tomorrow because I need to let her know how grateful I am for her kindness. So I will keep on singing! #globalblogging


  31. Thanks for sharing with us at Farm Fresh Tuesdays Blog Hop! Your encouraging post is one of my features this week. Please stop by to see your feature and say hi!

    Melissa | Little Frugal Homestead


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