My Mother’s Day wish for you this weekend is the gift of an outward focus.

Wishing a Refreshing Mother’s Day to You!

Sunday Scripture

Some of my happiest mothering memories are set in a blue mini-van on the open road as our family traveled cross-country for five weeks back in the summer of 2010. With very few distractions, our time together was focused on the beauty around us and the many sights we all shared for the first time.

Setting up the tent each evening, we tried to shave seconds off our previous record set-up time. Camp sites that had a pool AND a laundry facility got bonus points. We found that if we really stretched our arms, our whole family could connect around a giant redwood tree. Side by side, we marveled at wonders both natural and manmade: Niagara Falls and Mount Rushmore; Old Faithful and the Space Needle. Our shared focus was outward, and the world was huge and gorgeous.

Maybe that outward focus is the winning strategy for all of us in fulfilling our wish for a Happy Mother’s Day this year. Social distancing has changed the landscape for every possible observance, and disappointment could loom large in this season when all the Hallmark movies and cheesy commercials urge mums to expect great things from our offspring and devoted husbands. This is the day that’s supposed to make all the sacrifice of the preceding 364 days “worth it,” right?

Realism lands hard in the month of May.

My Mother’s Day wish for you this weekend is the gift of an outward focus. Find a way to show honor and appreciation to a woman who is pouring herself into the lives of others. If your own mum has passed away, adopt someone for the day. Shower attention and love on the woman who mothers your grandchildren and puts up with your son everyday. Call a friend who has made the world richer just because she’s in your life — and tell her so!

“Generous persons will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed.”  Proverbs 11:25 (CEB)

Wishing you a refreshing Mother’s Day!

michele signature rose[1]




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39 thoughts on “Wishing a Refreshing Mother’s Day to You!”

  1. Michele, I love your suggestion of adopting someone for the day. Thank you! sth, Spruce Head


  2. The summer I turned six our family spent all summer camping our way across the U.S. and back-seeing 28 states and culminating in meeting Mama’s family in Maine for the first time. Us siblings agree that it is the highlight of our childhood.


    1. That’s wonderful to hear. And it’s great that you remember it. Our youngest was 8 when we journeyed and our oldest 16. I don’t know if it’s their highlight, but it’s certainly one of mine!


  3. I think my family and I visited Yellowstone just a year earlier, Michele. It’s one of my favorite places and the trip brings back fond memories of when our boys were still in tow. Thanks for this Mother’s Day inspired reminder to let our moms and, well, dads too, know that we love and appreciate them! Happy Mother’s Day one day late, my friend!


    1. There’s so much beauty to behold here in the lower 48. We’re hoping to travel together even with our empty nest. Next trip involves seeing a new grand baby! (Oh, and his parents…)


  4. Aw, some of my favorite memories are of family vacations too! I am really missing them (especially since we’re supposed to be in Disney right now!). I hope you had a great Mother’s Day; I sure did!


  5. We can always take a raincheck on our Mother’s Day dinner out–perhaps in July or August. Meanwhile, there’s much joy to be harvested while following the instruction of Proverbs 11:25. Thank you, Michele!


  6. What a wonderful journey. I’m sure your boys will never forget it. I love the reminder to turn our thoughts outward. I have had several cherished “mothers” over the years. Hope you had a happy Mother’s Day, Michele!


  7. Such beautiful words, Michele. Seeing the Old Faithful Geyser sign reminded me of our own road trip from 2013. So many good memories of that trip. Our boys have always been good road-trippers, which has made them something we still look forward to. I love that you and your husband made so many wonderful memories with your family.

    Thanks for the reminder to choose an outward focus. I have thought a lot this year both about women who have been a mother to me in various points in my life as well as women I know who yearn for motherhood. Sunday turned into a good time of praying for women across the spectrum of motherhood.


  8. I love seeing that picture with you and all those boys, Michele. 🙂 It’s the very opposite in my family. The only boys we’ve added have been son-in-laws. So far anyway. But I’m not complaining; I love, love, love my girls. Hope you had a blessed Mother’s Day. I sure did.


    1. Oh, thank you, Lisa. That was a sweet season that passed all too quickly — and I say that with full awareness that there were days when I wondered if I’d survive it.


  9. Thank you for sharing at #OverTheMoon. Pinned and shared. Have a lovely week. I hope to see you at next week’s party too! Please stay safe and healthy. Come party with us at Over The Moon! Catapult your content Over The Moon! @marilyn_lesniak @EclecticRedBarn

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  10. Thank you for sharing at #OverTheMoon. Pinned and shared. Have a lovely week. I hope to see you at next week’s party too! Please stay safe and healthy. Come party with us at Over The Moon! Catapult your content Over The Moon! @marilyn_lesniak @EclecticRedBarn

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