The relentless see. The relentless look at what is visible and, by faith, connect the dots all the way to Good News about a kingdom that is strong and unshakeable.

What Does it Mean to Be Relentless?

Sunday Scripture

The taste of disillusionment is bitter, and few there are who have not experienced it at some point in life, for God often behaves in ways that puzzle us. His infrangible decrees leave us breathless and wondering, and while it’s our default to view New Testament characters as cardboard cutouts, it’s clear that even though they had a flesh-and-blood Jesus standing in their presence, they experienced the same doubts and questions we bump into in this following life.

John the Baptist comes across larger than life. Dressed in skins and living off the land, he had his cousin pegged as deity even in the womb. When all the home town folks were still scratching their heads over Jesus’s words and ways, John shouted out his true focus: ““Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!”

John the Baptist was relentless in his mission of preparing the world for a Messiah.

However, one thing is certain; John had not planned on ending his life in Herod’s prison. When word reached him there about the healing and miraculous deliverance Jesus was working–all that he, himself, was missing–Matthew records his puzzlement. Had he misunderstood Jesus’s agenda?

 “Are You the Coming One, or do we look for another?”

Notice that Jesus was not offended by this line of questioning. Instead, he reassured John with visual evidence that he was indeed the Messiah :

Jesus answered and said to them, “Go and tell John the things which you hear and see: The blind see and the lame walk; the lepers are cleansed and the deaf hear; the dead are raised up and the poor have the gospel preached to them”
(Matthew 11:4 ,5).

See and Hear, Go and Tell

On this side of the cross, we see clearly what John the Baptist merely trusted for in shadows, and even today, “the kingdom presses ahead relentlessly, and only the relentless press their way into it” (Matthew 11:12).

The relentless see.
The relentless look at what is visible and, by faith, connect the dots all the way to Good News about a kingdom that is strong and unshakeable.
Therefore, in this particular moment, I will see and love the curl of steam from my morning tea, the worn pages of my well-loved Bible, the comfortable rhythm of nachos for Saturday night supper, and the vivid yellow of daffodils standing strong against spring downpours.

My words here at Living Our Days are one means by which I “go and tell” the things which I hear and see. Today, I invite you to join in the seeing and the hearing–and in the telling! I look forward to reading your observations in the comments below!

Relentlessly pressing into the kingdom,

Michele (1)

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And… I’ve collected some of the essays I’ve written since the outbreak of COVID-19 into a PDF called Peaceful Reflections for Perilous Times. It’s free for all newsletter subscribers, and I’d love to share it with you. To subscribe, either hop on the handy pop up form and enter your name and email address– or you can click here!


Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

24 thoughts on “What Does it Mean to Be Relentless?”

  1. Michele, I’ve never really understood that verse until I saw the use of “relentless” for the word violent. I’m curious what translation you used?

    I do love the idea of being relentless. It brings to mind Jesus setting his face like a flint toward Calvary.

    And yes, my earnest desire is the faith-writing I do be counted as going and telling.


  2. When I look up relentless it’s meaning is: oppressively constant and incessant. I had to laugh a bit at that. It brought to mind people who knock at my door trying to “sell me God.” When I read this verse I don’t think of relentless like that. I think of perseverance and of not giving up. I think of one of my favourite verses from Isaiah, 40:31, they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not faint.


  3. I tend to think of New Testament characters as “cardboard cutouts”. It’s hard to put ourselves in their shoes. Imagine the joy of actually hearing and seeing Jesus preach! Thank goodness they were relentless enough to bring His words to us 2,000 years later.


  4. Michele, I love this post, especially your great comment part on Matthew 11:12, “The relentless see.
    The relentless look at what is visible and, by faith, connect the dots all the way to Good News about a kingdom that is strong and unshakeable.“

    I wrote a blog post regarding Matthew 11:6, with this quote:
    Jesus was saying, “All these works give testimony to Who I am, and I’m right on schedule with my program.” But He didn’t stop there. In the next verse He said, “And blessed is he who is not offended with Me.” (Matt. 11:6)
    Blessed is the person who does not get uptight about the way I do My business!—Matthew 11:6 paraphrase


  5. I see God’s goodness in the bright colors of birds and the delicate beauty of cactus blooms. I tell those stories with my photos :). And on the blog. I often wonder if God wants me to tell in other ways, too.


  6. Thank you for sharing at #OverTheMoon. Pinned and shared. Have a lovely week. I hope to see you at next week’s party too! Please stay safe and healthy. Come party with us at Over The Moon! Catapult your content Over The Moon! @marilyn_lesniak @EclecticRedBarn

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Your passion and dedication to your faith comes across in abundance Michele and we are very lucky to have you share it with us on #globalblogging. Thank you for that!


  8. The word ‘relentless’ can have negative overtones but I like the positive spin you have shown in this post. It is the same way that parenting is relentless but I wouldn’t change a thing! Thanks for linking up with #globalblogging


    1. I have had several readers mention the negative overtones that come with relentless, and I”ve been grateful for that because my approach to the word may be colored by my approach to life!


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