Let's commit ourselves to biblical thinking and watch the fire of our hope in God begin to burn brightly!

Let Truth Kindle Your Flame of Passionate Hope

Sunday Scripture

I’ve been in charge of the woodstove lately, and since my good husband is recovering from surgery, I have learned that as long as I have a half cord of kindling and the equivalent of a Boston Globe, I can, indeed, start and maintain a respectable fire. I’ve started collecting bark and small pieces of wood in a bucket that I keep near the stove, and the role of this kindling is to burn fast and hot so I can add larger pieces of wood that will burn for a long time.

While I’m feeding the stove, I’ve noticed the connection between fast-burning kindling and the kind of truth Peter fed to his readers in his first letter. They were experiencing persecution and needed help in keeping the flame of hope alive in their hearts. Peter was quick to remind them that they had been “born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.

The Tinder of Truth

The apostle’s first response was a swift application of the tinder of truth:

  • Their inheritance in Christ is imperishable (1:4)
  • They are guarded by God’s power (1:5)
  • Their necessary suffering is being administered by a sovereign God (1:6)

He brought reasons for hope to their minds like I bring kindling to the fire in my woodstove.

And so today, in the same way, we can use our minds to stoke the fire of hope in our prone-to-wander hearts. If we forget the promises of God’s word, hope dims, flickers, and dies. Remembering God’s faithfulness in the past and staying close to the record of his good intentions toward you as recorded in the pages of scripture feeds hope. The mind becomes a servant of the heart. As John Piper has said, “Biblical thinking serves passionate hoping.”

Let’s commit ourselves to biblical thinking and watch the fire of our hope in God begin to burn brightly!

May everything good from God be yours,

Commit yourself to biblical thinking and watch the fire of your hope in God begin to burn brightly!

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58 thoughts on “Let Truth Kindle Your Flame of Passionate Hope”

  1. “The tinder of truth”–what a marvelous phrase to remind us: The Bible is full of truth to address our every need. If we keep our tinder bucket full (time in God’s Word, memorizing even), we’ll always be ready when circumstances try to snuff out the flame of faith in our hearts. Remembering God’s faithfulness in the past also provides fuel for that faith. I’m so glad I started a journal years ago to celebrate God’s protection, provision, guidance, etc. in our family. It’s another valuable source of tinder. Thank you, Michele, for a memorable visual!


  2. I hope your husband is recovering well. Good for you for fire building! I don’t think I have ever built one, except maybe way back in Girl Scouts.

    It’s so important what we feed our minds. God has given us lots of good fuel.


  3. Wonderful analogy, Michele. We do need that quick-to-ignite truth sometimes to get the flames of our faith going. I love the image of “passionate hope”. I hope your hubby is recovering well!


  4. This line stood out for me, Michele : He brought reasons for hope to their minds like I bring kindling to the fire in my woodstove. It made me think of the disciples walking along the road to Emmaus and how they later discussed how their hearts burned when the Risen Christ spoke to them.


  5. Michele, I hope both your husband is doing well. I have always enjoyed tending to a fire. There is something about it that brings a peace and comfort to me. The analogy you shared is beautiful and one I will be thinking on today. The John Piper quote is one I am writing down. Blessings!


  6. Remembering God’s promises does keep hope alive! We heated with wood stoves when we had a small farm in rural Maine early in our marriage, and your words comparing the short-lived fire of kindling brought your message alive for me.


  7. Thank you for sharing at #OverTheMoon. We appreciate your shares. They have been Tweeted Pinned. Have a lovely week. I hope to see you at next week’s party too! Please stay safe and healthy. Come party with us at Over The Moon! Catapult your content Over The Moon! @marilyn_lesniak @EclecticRedBarn

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Great illustration, Michele. I appreciate your encouragement, “Let’s commit ourselves to biblical thinking and watch the fire of our hope in God begin to burn brightly!”


  9. I have tended our wood stove many a time. It is a lot of work, no doubt. I hope your husband continues to recover well. Hope is a strong word and we need it more now than ever. Thanks for linking up.


  10. I hope your husband is on the mend soon. It is quite a skill starting a fire and keeping it going, requiring a lot of patience. thanks for linking with us at #pocolo


  11. My husband never lets me start a fire but I am in charge of keeping it burning! God has set the spark in my heart and it is my responsibility to keep it alight. I hope your husband’s surgery was successful. Thanks for linking up with #MischiefAndMemories


  12. Congratulations! Your post was my feature pick at #OverTheMoon this week. Each Hostess displays their own features so be sure to visit me on Sunday evening and to see your feature! I invite you to leave more links to be shared and commented upon. Please don’t forget to add your link numbers or post title so we can be sure to visit!


  13. I hope hubby is back to fire lighting now and feeling much better. We will feature your post in the next Blogger’s Pit Stop. Keep sharing the light.


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