Do You Really Know How to Live By the Golden Rule?

Do You Really Know How to Live By the Golden Rule?

The Golden Rule may be the last frontier for the use of scripture in the public school classroom. It’s easy to see why. Whenever human beings have to occupy the same space, conflict is inevitable because we’re innately selfish. The Golden Rule is golden because it challenges us to rise above our instinct to favor ourselves, to serve ourselves, and to expect others to see the world from our perspective.

I wonder how many people realize that it comes straight out of Jesus’s Sermon on the Mount?

So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets.” (Matthew 7:12)

The Golden Rule is golden because it challenges us to rise above our instinct to favor ourselves and to expect others to see the world from our perspective. How many people realize it comes straight from Jesus’s Sermon on the Mount?

Jesus’s Upside-Down Kingdom

The Golden Rule lands easily on our ears today because it’s so often repeated, but when Jesus slipped this teaching into his sermon, it must have landed with some dissonance to his Jewish audience. Their sacred writings, the Talmud, phrases the command with a different twist:

What is hateful to you, do not do unto your neighbor.”

Furthermore, Confucius (who lived into the 5th century BC) was recorded to have said, “Do not to others what you would not wish done to you.”

Do you see the difference? Jesus took a commandment to do no harm and pushed his listeners to a higher and better righteousness: not only do no harm—do good!
Think about the good thing you’d like to have done to you and then go ahead!
Do it! Do it for someone else!

If this sounds familiar, flip the pages of your Bible back to Matthew 5 (and read the post based on Matthew 5:21-48). The Golden Rule as Jesus has phrased it is one more example of Jesus’s rejection of bare-minimum obedience. Jesus has called us to a deeper obedience whose focus is character and motive—not simply actions.

Golden Actions with Golden Motives

In the Kingdom of God where right actions for right reasons are the goal, where we consider others as better than ourselves, we expand our sight beyond what we wish others would do for us. We go first in doing good.

What would living by the Golden Rule look like at work? Do you wish someone else would clean up in the breakroom, bring muffins on Mondays, offer to pick up the slack, volunteer for the unpopular shift, say a kind word about your work, or recognize your over-the-top effort? Whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them!

What would Golden Rule living look like in your home? Do you wish your family would be more appreciative, take the initiative in work or play, demonstrate a more positive attitude, or be more transparent about feelings? Whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them.

What would it look like with your friends? Do you wish they would call to check on you, bring you coffee, initiate meet ups, answer texts more promptly, or offer practical help to you when you’re overwhelmed? Whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them.

Praying Together

Lord, we ask for grace to kick ourselves out of the center of the universe. You have said that the way we give to and prefer others sums up the Law and the Prophets, and we want to faithfully fulfill your call to righteousness. By your example and by your indwelling Spirit, show us how to consider others first. Show us how to move beyond a do-no-harm mentality as we demonstrate your love to a world where everyone is chasing after the wrong kind of gold.

Let’s continue this conversation:

  • Picture the person who would be most difficult for you to practice the Golden Rule toward. Analyze your feelings. What makes that person particularly difficult, and how could God change your thinking?
  • Based on our reading of the Sermon on the Mount to this point, how would your definition of righteousness be impacted by Jesus’s rejection of bare minimum obedience?
  • What would be the biggest change in your closest relationships if your treatment of others was mindful of the Golden Rule?

Holding You in the Light,

The Golden Rule as Jesus has phrased it is one more example of Jesus’s rejection of bare-minimum obedience. Jesus has called us to a deeper obedience whose focus is character and motive—not simply actions.

This post is part nine of a series about Jesus’s Sermon on the Mount.
You’ll find part one on the Beatitudes HERE, and part two on Salt and Light HERE
In week three, in light of Jesus’s warning to teachers, we wondered what motivates teachers to take on the heavy responsibility of communicating the truth.
Then, in part four, Jesus answers the question, “What does it really mean to be righteous?”
Part five carries Jesus’s warning to believers about the subtle pull of public displays of righteousness, and part six explores the connection Jesus makes between our culture’s pervasive anxiety and our attachment to our “stuff.”
Part seven challenges parents to tend to the logs in their own eyes before attempting “eye surgery” on their kids.
Part eight considers Jesus’s invitation to ask, seek, and knock alongside our response to what he has given.

I invite you to join me each Sunday for the next few weeks as we sit under the teaching of Jesus together and consider how his words and his life should be impacting the way we live, work, think, and pray.

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20 thoughts on “Do You Really Know How to Live By the Golden Rule?”

  1. So funny that this is your topic this week! One day earlier this week Alec had a few of his friends over to decorate their graduation caps and they got on the subject of the golden rule and then started debating the merits of putting it into practice and, of course, Alec my son who LOVES to argue the other side of any debate despite what he actually believes was playing devil’s advocate. He pointed out that based on the rule if someone else was mean to you then that must be how they wanted to be treated… so who starts the rule and do you always act nice like you want to be treated or do you follow the lead of whomever starts the interaction? It was so fun to listen to them play argue back and forth.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I once had an atheist proclaim to me that the Golden Rule was established long before Jesus came. I thought about that for a nano second and replied, “Well, I guess truth is truth no matter who says it and an indicator that the one saying it is on a good track. The trick is discerning what else is true.” 


    1. Good response!
      I had heard about the connection to older versions of the GR, but really enjoyed thinking about the way Jesus turned it on its head and made it into a challenge to do good–not simply to avoid the bad.


  3. I had never thought about the fact that Jesus phrased this from a positive aspect while others did so from the negative–not just avoid doing harm, but actively do good. Thanks for pointing that out and sharing some concrete examples.


  4. Michele, I love the Golden Rule! And especially the fact that it is NOT one of those sayings people think is in the Bible but really isn’t (like God helps those who help themselves, for example). It came out of my mouth quite often when my girls were younger, and the Steve Green children’s song “Do to Others” will probably never leave my subconscious mind. 🙂 Love this post!


    1. Yes, I love that the golden rule has worked itself into the fabric of our expression. And I’ve been humming “Do to Others” as well! I love so many of those songs, and have to admit that much of the scripture I’ve committed to memory is attached to a melody.


  5. I love that you reminded us of Jesus’ words and challenged us to think about how we would want to be treated. Then we need to do so to others. May the Lord show us how to live.


  6. Hi Michele, I love this post. It is a great encouragement with great advice. Glad I popped over from instaencouragements bloghop. God bless, Tracy

    ps: another comment may show up but I lost it while trying to sign into wordpress 🙂


  7. Michele I think the shocking truth about the golden rule is that it is based on Love. In fact based on the first (and second) great commandment Jesus gave to love the Lord with all our heart, soul, mind and strength, and from that place love others as ourselves. If we are living this way, the Golden Rule is fulfilled.


  8. Amen, Michele. The Golden Rule continues to stand the test of time. Regardless of age, culture, or any other “differences” that might divide us, we all still have the same desire to be treated well, which circles round and round when we treat others well.


  9. […] Do You Really Know How to Live by the Golden Rule? “The Golden Rule as Jesus has phrased it is one more example of Jesus’s rejection of bare-minimum obedience. Jesus has called us to a deeper obedience whose focus is character and motive—not simply actions.” […]


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