Shame-filled to Shame-free

Christine unwrapped her sandwich, completely unaware of the scornful expressions on the faces of her Kindergarten classmates.  "Mmmmm . . . feta cheese and olive," she thought, taking that first delectable bite. "What's that stinky stuff you're eating," wailed one boy, wrinkling his nose in disgust. "She's eating Greek cheese!" someone announced.  "No wonder Greeks… Continue reading Shame-filled to Shame-free

Invitation into Relationship

The Answer to Our Cry by Rick McKinley:  A Book Review Everyone is looking for freedom.  Most of us are looking in all the wrong places with the idea that freedom involves getting what we want.  The Answer to Our Cry is not a series of steps, but a spotlight on the truth that true freedom is the ability to:… Continue reading Invitation into Relationship