“Laundry Is My Overflowing Inbox”: Working within the Home

Stuffing a ratty t-shirt into the washer's maw, I try not to think about the fact that it was only yesterday that I hung this very same t-shirt on the clothesline.  The laundry is never done -- even though we are down to a family of four these days.  How in the world did I… Continue reading “Laundry Is My Overflowing Inbox”: Working within the Home

The Work of Home

Most days on this country hill are a blur.  With every line in my planner filled, there's also the background music of laundry and continual cleaning.  In the winter, there's a voracious wood stove; in the summer there's a garden that needs constant attention.  Of course, at the far right side of this equation of… Continue reading The Work of Home

A Theology of Home

Keeping Place by Jen Pollock Michel

Rootedness was always the thing that both repelled and intrigued me.  I left my parents' home at the age of seventeen and pictured a life unleashed -- no commitments.  I copied all my record albums onto small and portable cassette tapes (dinosaur alert!) and prepared for the unencumbered life.  With that resolve in my rear… Continue reading A Theology of Home