Full of Grace and Truth

Sunday Scripture

By now, the Christmas season has landed in your home with all it’s busy and delightful frenzy. Plans drafted and resolutions made back in the first week of Advent may be starting to wear thin as deadlines loom and energy wanes. Let’s pause for a moment here to remind ourselves of the purpose behind it all:

And the word was made flesh and dwelt among us; and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.”

How can you and I have a Christmas that is full of grace and truth?
How can we live every day, extending grace and telling truth?
Simple. We cannot. At least not apart from Christ–
When we talk politics around the holiday table, we’re all about TRUTH—at least our version of it.
When there’s an annoying relative or a needy friend who cuts into our Hallmark movie time with their ceaseless phone calls or who corners us with endless recitations of their medical procedures, suddenly it’s as if someone sucked all the grace out of the room. We’ve had it.

The moments when I have failed to live in truth and to act with grace are the moments when the Gospel is the very best news to me. Listen to what the verse says: He is FULL of grace and truth. He has extra. His perfect obedience led him to the cross, where he not only took my sin, but also imputed his righteousness to me.

So when my day reads a different story: “Michele is EMPTY of grace and truth,” Christ transfers his perfect record of grace-soaked living and adherence to the truth to my account!

He alone is full of grace and truth, and I will only ever begin to move toward living in that way (at Christmas time or any other time!) as I abide in Christ.

We have a tendency to compartmentalize the truth about Jesus’s birth, death, resurrection, and ascension around the appropriate holidays. We think the gospel is only for the unsaved. The truth is that our lives are shaped from beginning to end by the grace of God shown to us in Jesus Christ.

Christmas blessings,

Michele Morin

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Photo by Kris Atomic on Unsplash

33 thoughts on “Full of Grace and Truth”

  1. Amen! When we run short, and we will, He always is ready to deposit into us the grace we need. May you and yours have a blessed Christmas!


  2. Perfect for this 4th Sunday of advent .I always tell my daughters in so many situations but for the grace of God
    that could be us Thanks be to God ! May you and your loved ones have a Merry and a blessed Christmas.


  3. Oh boy did I need to hear that today! Christ refills us with grace and truth…and patience. Through his love I am not only refilled but refilled in a way that fills me with joy.


  4. Thanks for this gentle reminder of what grace and truth look like … especially during the days when the demands on us seem to grow by leaps and bounds.

    Advent blessings to you and yours, Michele.


  5. The cancer that has robber my air,
    my energy, and youth,
    has taken time to stop and share
    a balm of grace and truth.
    There was never time to save,
    only love to spend,
    and the only road to brave
    is knowing when to bend.
    My words may not outlive my voice,
    but like ripples on a pond,
    to place in them the kindness choice
    will send fair hope beyond
    they horizon I will never reach
    to wash upon another’s beach.


  6. I cannot imagine life without the grace of his forgiveness, guidance, promises, provision, and protection–to name a few facets. Nor can I imagine life without the truth of his Word. Praise God for his gifts of grace and truth!


  7. “He alone is full of grace and truth, and I will only ever begin to move toward living in that way (at Christmas time or any other time!) as I abide in Christ.” AMEN! Blessings and love to you. May you have a wonderful Christmas as you celebrate the One who came to give us Life. xo


  8. Oh my goodness, Michele, what an inspired post! This is so true. We do need to have grace and truth in our lives, and we ALL need the Gospel. Thank you for reminding me to endeavour to always be full of grace and truth, and for sharing with the Hearth and Soul Link Party. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas.


  9. I think we can all slip from our principals now and again but as long as we catch ourselves and start over with them back in tact, that’s all we can really ask for
    P.S. Thanks for linking up to #ChristmasCorner


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