Let’s join the psalmist in gratitude for what has been given and hope for what is ahead as 2019 comes to a close: “You crown the year with your bounty.”  Psalm 65:11

Join Me in Remembering a Bountiful Year

Sunday Scripture

At the beginning of a new year and the winding down of the old, I love to look back on where I’ve been. With a coating of frosty white on the surface of my garden, it’s hard to imagine that just three months ago I was harvesting cucumbers and green beans by the basket full and treating my grandson to brim full cups of tiny orange tomatoes that went “squirt” between his teeth. Nevertheless, here we are. A few of the things I thought I’d accomplish are completely untouched, but this is no surprise to God, and there have been plenty of surprises this year, unforeseen at the outset.

The new year will begin my sixth year blogging here at Living Our Days. This little writing home has been the gateway to some wonderful friendships and some exciting opportunities to teach and to write in places I would never have expected. Thank you for your faithfulness here in reading and sharing posts you’ve loved with your friends via word of mouth and social media.

And thanks be to God! Let’s join the psalmist in gratitude for what has been given and hope for what is ahead as 2019 comes to a close:

You crown the year with your bounty.”  (Psalm 65:11)

I love that we are entering The Roaring Twenties!

What plans and goals are you praying about that will bring you roaring into the new year?

Blessings and Love to You,

Michele Morin

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50 thoughts on “Join Me in Remembering a Bountiful Year”

  1. 2019 brought an amazing assortment of unexpecteds, blind-sideds, faith-strengthenings, and concluded with a huge, did-not-see-that-coming. My word for 2020 is a phrase – Never say never, God has it!
    Happy Blessed New Year to you and yours!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. The coming year is fraught with danger;
    dragons wait at every turn,
    their breath the flame of cancer’s anger
    and the devil wants to see me burn.
    You’d think that one might well despair
    in the face of tumours getting bigger,
    but I’m happy, I don’t care,
    and you’d likely say, “Go figure!
    Is this dude maybe two cans short
    of a Bud Lite six-pack?
    He’s treating this like a sport,
    and thinks he is the quarterback.”
    If you can’t laugh at your dying day,
    then why even show up to play?

    My One Word is a phrase – “If you have something to prove, you can do anything.”


  3. I don’t have many big plans for the new year but am trying to focus on setting small, attainable goals in the New Year to improve both my health and how we live our lives. Wishing you a fabulous New Year.


  4. The roaring twenties. I love that!

    My verse for the new year is Jeremiah 6:16
    Stand at the crossroads and look;
    ask for the ancient paths,
    ask where the good way is, and walk in it,
    and you will find rest for your souls.

    I’m going to renew and refresh my determination to improve on my spiritual disciplines.


  5. I’m a bit behind everyone else–I don’t start making plans for the new year until after everyone has gone back to work and normal routines. One definite on my list: finish my book and see a publisher.


  6. Ha…I always love what you bring to mind. Roaring twenties. 🙂 I’m sure whatever roars that God will have a hand in it for us as well as others. Many blessings for the New Year for you and yours. So far, I have no goals other than just a day at a time and what life has to offer at my age. As always though, fitness is on the agenda to keep the body and mind healthy. ~hugs~


  7. It’s good to be able to read your posts again. My computer was out of commission for over 7 weeks. One of my Christmas gifts was able to fix it and it was the best gift I could receive. 2019 has been a good year in many ways for me. It’s good to look back on the blessings God has given. Those surprises are the best! I pray that 2020 will be an exceptional year for you in every way Michele. God bless.


      1. Thanks Michele. Yes they can be very frustrating. It was a simple problem to fix, but not for someone like me who has no idea about the technology. I’m very thankful that I’m back again. I have decided to simplify my e-mail for 2020 and get rid of a lot of newsletters that I never look at or that have changed their agenda since i signed up for them. I will have much less to deal with and have more time to enjoy blogs like yours.


  8. Ah, how good to catch up with you at the end of the year. This connection over these lines between us have woven so many warm thoughts and inspired so many considerations. The year ending has been one of celebrations and reminders that life keeps moving forward, that despite our choices for the very best there is much we cannot control.

    Unlike so many I do not have one word as a focus nor have I asked for one in the past or present. I have become content with letting Him lead this dance with its various rhythms. I would hope to hear Him better in the year ahead and to continue to pursue my life’s passion – live each moment to the fullest knowing that no matter what my age or state of health I can never know when it will be my last or when I will have the opportunity to say what is in my heart to those with whom I journey.

    I am just a bit behind you in this writing, blogging journey. I began four and a half years ago.

    Blessings on you and your heart for Him!


  9. I pray that 2020 will be a better year for us.

    2019 has been a challenging year of sorts — life threw us a lot of curveballs and lemons!

    Happy Blessed New Year to you and yours, Michele!


  10. In the new year, I hope to continue with my stroke recovery by continuing to be brave enough to go out alone using my electric wheelchair, happy new year #globalblogging@_karendennis


  11. Hard to believe the year is coming to a close. Happy New Year!!
    By the way my name is Crystal and I come to your blog via Esme’s Senior Salon. Hope you visit my blog Crystal And Daisy Mae’s Photo-Blogging Site. Don’t let the name fool you, It’s more than just photos. Daisy Mae is my cat.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. What a great verse for the new year —> “You crown the year with Your bounty; Your wagon tracks overflow with abundance.” Psalm 65:11

    Thank you for linking up at InstaEncouragements and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!


  13. 2020 will be a time of prayer and praise as my husband and I start to build a new home. Prayer – we are in God’s will and remember it’s not about our wants in a new home but our needs. This will be our final forever home and therefore we want to be mindful of our needs in our “prime” years ahead of us. 2020 will be a time of continued faithfulness in God’s word and perhaps more time in the blogging world as well. I started blogging as a way to leave a piece of me after I am in heaven with Jesus. It is my hope I can convey to family, friends and unknown persons the love I have for Christ, God’s will for me and not to lean unto my own understanding but search the word of our living God.


  14. The Roaring Twenties–I love it, Michele. As hard as it is to believe, 2020 is now with us. Blessings to you in this new year and decade. I’ll look forward to the things you’ll share this year with us here!


  15. Thank you again for sharing this hope and positivity with us all at #globalblogging. For me what I really hope for this year is that my two little babies arrive safely into the world and that everyone is healthy. If I can have that then I will be very grateful! Best wishes to you at the beginning of this new year!


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