God is not interested merely in what I do.  Motive is everything in the kingdom of God.

Can I Walk by Faith if My Faith is Small?

Sunday Scripture

We don’t know who he was because he didn’t sign his name.

Was it fear that drove him to anonymity in an age of persecution?
Or was it humility?

Whoever wrote the letter we now refer to as “Hebrews” certainly knew the Old Testament scriptures, and in chapter eleven he’s connecting the dots between a concept — faith — and the way he sees it lived out in the recorded lives of Old Testament saints.

Hebrews 11:1 provides a two-pronged description of faith:

Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.

  1.  The assurance of things hoped for.  By faith, we are sure of God’s promises and are enabled to live in a hope that is so real it gives absolute assurance.
  2. The conviction of things not seen.  According to John Piper, this Greek word rendered as “conviction” in our ESV appears nowhere else in the New Testament.  Used elsewhere, it means “argument, evidence, reason, or proof.”  This is helpful when coupled with Hebrews 11:3:
By faith we understand that the universe was created by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things that are visible.

In the mind of this Hebrew writer, faith is a kind of spiritual seeing that enables the believer to know that God exists and to live in the reality of  Psalm 19:1  in which the sky above our heads, the detailed architecture of a pine cone, the majesty of a fluking whale, and the sweet whorl of downy hair on the crown of a baby’s head all bear the fingerprint of God.

In Hebrews 11:6, the author restates his two-pronged description of faith:

  1.  Believing that He exists;
  2.  Believing that He rewards those who seek Him.

CaptureBelief that God exists in Hebrews 11:6 corresponds to “conviction of things not seen” in verse 1. 


Belief that God rewards those who seek Him corresponds to the “assurance of things hoped for” in verse 1.

The description of faith in the book of Hebrews steers my thinking toward a better understanding of who God is, but also guides my “living by faith,” for I see that God is not interested merely in what I do.

  • Abel worshiped.
  • Enoch walked.
  • Noah worked.
  • The Patriarchs all waited for a glimpse of the promised land, but it wasn’t what they did so much as why they did it.  Motive is everything in the kingdom of God.

This week I will be asking myself questions about why I do what I’m doing, and I invite you to join me.

Is my worship, my manner of living, my work, and my understanding of the promises of God coming from a heart of faith?

Does the way I exercise my faith put God’s reality — His beauty — on display?

Am I communicating an accurate picture of God’s intense desire to reward and His unrivaled ability to fulfill every one of His promises?

I am being helped in my pondering of Hebrews 11 by Debbie Wilson’s new book, Little Faith, Big God: Grace to Grow When Your Faith Feels Small. As Wilson examines the faithful men and women of Hebrews 11 fame, she is also challenging her readers to “consider the outcome of their way of life, and imitate their faith.” (Hebrews 13:7b) An examination of each of those faith-filled lives reveals flawed individuals who, nonetheless, finished well–not because of their own sparkling character, but because of a faith that was anchored solidly in the God they trusted.

I don’t know about you, but I need the reminder (on the regular!) that God specializes in handing out grace when his children fail and showing up with limitless strength when we fall. A deep dive into the stories of Abel, Enoch, Moses, Abraham, and other Old Testament heroes of the faith illuminates the glorious gospel truth that it is Jesus and not our own solid pedigree who makes the life of faith possible.

Many thanks to Leafwood Publishers for providing a copy of this book to facilitate my review, which, of course, is offered freely and with honesty.

You can read my review of Debbie’s first book, Little Women, Big God here, and I interviewed Debbie back in 2016 when that book released. You can read our conversation here.

Grace and peace to you,

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29 thoughts on “Can I Walk by Faith if My Faith is Small?”

  1. Wonderful thoughts and review of a book I also enjoyed recently. Hebrews 11 (and Debbie Wilson) give us hope that we all can finish this life of faith well as we maintain our focus on God every step of the way. Blessings!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Amen! Amen, Michele! I am reading Debbie’s book as well and enjoying her insightful questions as a part of each segment. It enriches this chapter of Hebrews and Hebrews has always been a favorite NT book of mine.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. For many years after I was saved, I struggled with assurance of salvation–particularly whether my faith and repentance were “enough.” I read somewhere an illustration about a plank that was the only way over a chasm. People walking across could either stride confidently or crawl in fear. But what got them across was not the amount of their faith, but what they had faith in. They got across because the plank was sturdy, not because their faith in it was large or small. That was such a comfort that it wasn’t the amount of faith I had (though we all want to grow in faith), but the object of my faith that mattered: Jesus.

    This sounds like a great resource. That list in Hebrews11 is such a reassurance that God can redeem and use anyone.


  4. Michele, I enjoyed the insights you shared on this great topic and chapter. And thank you for your beautiful review. Studying these men and women reminded me to keep my eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of my faith!


  5. Michele, Wonderful insights about walking by faith. For indeed, even faith as tiny as a mustard seed can move mountains when we are putting that faith, however small it might be, into a mighty God to accomplish His will in and through us.

    I love how you broke down the different patriarchs and the way faith was expressed in their lives.

    Thank you for these introspective questions to lead us to a greater faith.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Hebrews 11:6 is one of my favorite scriptures ever because I’ve been blessed to always believe He exists. No question about it for me. And I love the promise – If I’m a seeker – I’ll be rewarded.

    I’m devoting my life to seeking.


  7. I’ve never heard of this book, but I’m glad to learn about it! I appreciate your book reviews so much; this one sounds delightful.

    Thanks so much for joining the Grace at Home party, Michele. I’m featuring you this week!


  8. This statement especially caught my attention: “Motive is everything in the kingdom of God.” And surely that’s true because God values a pure heart (Psalm 24:3-4). But motives are not easily controlled. It’s a topic I’ve written on my blog post idea list because I want to know: What can we do to purify our motives? I know prayer is a first step (Psalm 51:10). But are there other steps we can take? I desire that pure heart! My guess is others do too.


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