Whether we have ten minutes, ten years, or ten thousand years remaining on this planet, let's not waste them!

Is This a Sign of the End Times?

Sunday Scripture

I love it when I answer the phone and the voice on the other end is my friend who brings questions. She is a verbal processor, always in big picture mode, and her enormous heart leads the way. I am a slow, internal processor and my friend’s questions have a way of jolting me out of my brittle, little world.

One Thursday morning five weeks into Maine’s Stay Healthy at Home order, the question was, “Do you think we’re in the end times?” The question really didn’t catch me off guard this time, because social media is inviting us to ponder everything from conspiracy theories to alien invasions, so I said the first thing that entered my head:

“What would you be doing differently today if this is a sign of the end times?”

From a strictly theological perspective, we entered “end times” with Jesus’s death and resurrection. Even a casual reading of the New Testament reveals that believers have been talking about and waiting for “end times” now for two thousand years. Paul even gave his young pastoral apprentice Timothy some signs to watch for:

But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power. 

(2 Timothy 3:1-5)

By the parameters of this list, I’d say we’re well on our way into end times and have been for my entire life!

And so the real question today is the one that floated to the surface with my friend:
How does an awareness of the end of all things change your life today?
If you knew your time was limited, what habits would you break?
What relationships would you strengthen or repair?
What words would you say–or not say?

The point is this:  Whether we have ten minutes, ten years, or ten thousand years remaining on this planet, let’s not waste them! God will meet your weakest resolve for good with all the riches of his grace. Let’s open our lives to that great power for good!

Trusting for Grace,

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60 thoughts on “Is This a Sign of the End Times?”

  1. Oh there you go again, writing things that tap into my internal processor, which is also slow. I could fill up your comment space with a very long ramble on this topic, but instead I’ll restrain myself. I conclude that we have indeed been in the ‘last days’ for 2000 years and, because we are humans, we think we need signs to alert us to the absolutes. But, of course, since God is not bound by our clocks or calendars, we just have to live as though we know the day and the hour, even though we don’t.

    Years ago I was email pals with a woman who was influenced by an ‘End Days’ prophet who had predicted a specific time for Christ’s return. She confessed to me that she fretted over needing to paint her kitchen but wondered, what was the point. My response to her was: So, what if you knew for sure that Christ would come at 6 pm on Monday, would you not feed your kids breakfast or lunch? Would you not give them a drink of water if they were thirsty during the day? I suggested that if she started painting her kitchen and Christ came before she was finished, wouldn’t it be better for Him to come finding her doing something positive instead of just sitting and waiting? She painted her kitchen. That was fifteen years ago.


    1. I LOVE THIS!
      Yes, I want Jesus to find me doing the next needful thing. We forget that the real project we’re working on is our character and our Godward focus. Every good thing we do is merely a means to that end.
      It’s always a treat to “process” with you!


  2. I have been reading so many timely words lately and yours here are some of them. When my father died, almost 40 years ago, there was a saying, Live as if today was the first day of the rest of your life. I think of it when I read verses on the end days or last times. To me, it means that I have given the best of my love away and used it to serve others. Also, that I have not harbour hatred for any soul and that if I have, I’ve prayed, read, studied, and understood my bible, worshiped with others, and dived deep enough into myself to see whoever I’ve had “issues” with as simply a person who needs love. For me it’s all about the love…and the wisdom. It’s the love that puts you in the right place with God regardless of when the end times may come.


    1. Yes, love never fails–and if it’s at the root of my behavior, I won’t have nearly as many regrets. Thanks for sharing these good thoughts here today. I do believe that pandemic living is shaping our writing as well as our doing.


  3. Such a good way to live. Focus on what needs to be done now while maintaining a focus on His return. Serve, love, and live justly.


  4. I always go to the worry is of the devil, so I really try not to ponder on the hour, the day, etc. But your post is a reminder of how would I be prepared. I know he knows me, and the molding is continuous so I keep a positive attitude, and prayers to be led. I also know that I am very lacking in lots of areas; especially how I could be a better Christian. Have a wonderful week.


    1. Yes, I think an awareness of end times is a reason to be motivated and to plan for good things–not one more reason to worry and be fearful.
      Hope your week is great!


  5. These are some great questions to ponder. I don’t want to waste any of the time I have left. After all, Jesus comes back every day … for someone! How do I know but what today is my day?

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Perhaps we are in the “beginning of birth pangs” as the Bible says. I often think of author Joy Dawson’s words-she says that her desire when she sees Jesus is to have known Him so well that she says, “Oh! I knew You were like this!” and not ” I didn’t know You were like this!” My point, no matter what time it is in regards to the end times, the end is nearer for each of us than it was yesterday! Have we really gotten to know this One that we say we want to see come back? You’ve got me thinking, friend….


    1. That’s a very worthy goal, and certainly a motivation to put our minds to the good work of studying his words and his works so that we get to know him better everyday.


  7. Wow, Michele. This is SO true. I pondered your words, and I can honestly say that I would not be doing one thing differently, even if I knew Jesus was coming today. He is my all in all. May He bless you this Lord’s Day!


  8. Eloquent & pertinent, Michelle! This reminds me of a Rachel Carson quote: “One way to open your eyes is to ask, ‘What if I would never see this again?'” I jotted that in my One Word notebook in January, never expecting the potential significance a few months later…


  9. Beautiful thoughts, Michele. You asked a perfect question. No one knows when the end times will arrive but we should live our life every day to minimize regrets. When I read the verses from 2 Timothy, I couldn’t help but think of some of our politicians! 🙂


  10. It takes a pandemic to get us to remember these iconic and enduring words, Michele! Yes, we are in the end of times, but what will I do with these days of mine? Great question to ponder and to answer with action and certainty! Thanks for always inspiring us to be and do more, my friend!


  11. This is such a good perspective. I agree, the end time started 2,000 + years ago. When they’ll end, or when our own end will come, is anybody’s guess. May we live each day aware that we have an end that will probably come sooner than we think.


  12. Those words…no matter whether it is ten minutes, ten years, etc..are so on point, Michele. I think scripture continually points us to be ready for whenever it comes. Certainly looking at passages in Matthew 24-25 and Jude and elsewhere gives us evidence that for whenever it is, we are closer than we ever have been. We are to be the wise virgins with lamps filled and lit as we prepare for His return and be sure we are salt and light wherever He has placed us.


  13. “Whether we have ten minutes, ten years, or ten thousand years remaining on this planet, let’s not waste them! God will meet your weakest resolve for good with all the riches of his grace. Let’s open our lives to that great power for good!” Amen! May He find us faithful when He comes. Thanks, Michele.


  14. Amen to God’s never failing grace!!! More than a few have asked this same question, but we must not forget that Jesus said where the body is, that’s where the eagles would be gathered. It would be clear for all to see. May God help us occupy and do the work till He returns. Thanks for sharing. Many blessings!


    1. Yes, and I think the way of wisdom is to pay attention to all that our loving God wants to accomplish in our lives today, being mindful that he has promised to return.


  15. Spot on. I have a friend on Facebook who is going on and on about it, but her attitude cannot possibly be drawing people to Jesus. She’s mad at the government, mad at the church, very selfish in her words, but she doesn’t see it that way. No one knows when exactly that day will come, but yes, the signs have been here for a while. I like the way that you address this so much better.


    1. Sounding the alarm with hysteria is counterproductive in that it keeps us from tending to the business of our following life TODAY. Really, today is all we know we have for sure.


  16. Wisdom not only comes in answers; it comes in questions. And your question, Michele, “What would you be doing differently today if this is a sign of the end times?” is just that–perceptive wisdom–putting the emphasis back on our actions and reactions as opposed to mere conjecturing. And then you closed with an astute conclusion as well: “God will meet your weakest resolve for good with all the riches of his grace. Let’s open our lives to that great power for good!” Praise God for that grace and power! And thank you, Michele, for being a wise voice of that grace and power.


    1. I can’t even imagine trying to stay in the right mindset regarding end times (or anything else, for that matter!) apart from the grace of God.
      Thanks for pondering this question along with me, Nancy.

      Liked by 1 person

  17. As Christians, living in the end times should make us get serious about evangelism. There is no time to waste. We’ve got to be sharing the truth of Jesus Christ to those around us. That is my entire purpose! I’m limited (especially during quarantine) to where I can go and what I can do physically, but the internet can take us all over the world. Just today, I was mentoring a young Christian in the Philippines.


  18. Your questions are ones I want to think about further and answer for myself. Would I do things differently or would I keep the status quo? Thank you for sharing your conversation with your friend with all of us.


  19. Great post. I agree that we have been in the end times since Jesus was taken up to Heaven. I love the question that you asked your friend. I am going to start asking this to anyone who asks me if this is the end times. Thanks so much for sharing!


  20. I am definitely thinking about making the most of the world and have plenty planned once lockdown ends. I don’t think this lockdown has been enough to get me on a plane but I want more days out exploring the UK, eating good food and making happy memories for the kids. Thanks for linking up with #globalblogging


  21. Thank you for sharing at #OverTheMoon. Pinned and shared. Have a lovely week. I hope to see you at next week’s party too! Please stay safe and healthy. Come party with us at Over The Moon! Catapult your content Over The Moon! @marilyn_lesniak @EclecticRedBarn


  22. Great thoughtful post. I agree when Jesus comes back, if it happens during my lifetime, I hope he finds me doing my job, and living my life, not standing around looking up at the sky. If I am doing what I should be doing, he will have no problem finding me:)

    Another Michele (1-L)


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