Palm Sunday

Is Jesus Welcome to Make Another Palm Sunday Entrance?

Sunday Scripture

By their narrowed eyes and over-the-shoulder glances, the sixth-grade boys made it very plain that they did not appreciate my presence in the classroom, especially since I was standing behind them where I could see their laptop screens and monitor their conversation. I was “just a substitute teacher” in the room, but my role that day was to support their learning. And they had realized that was what I intended to do.

I’m a friendly presence in the hallways, and they like me well enough from a distance. Unfortunately, I really couldn’t do my job from a distance. Today, as we celebrate Palm Sunday and Jesus’s triumphal entry to the city of Jerusalem, we observe a Messiah who came in close. All of Jesus’s helping, healing, and teaching in first century Palestine represented God as One who longs to be near, to come alongside.

Today, as we celebrate Palm Sunday and Jesus’s triumphal entry to the city of Jerusalem, we observe a Messiah who came in close. However, the time had come for GOD WITH US to reveal himself as GOD OVER US.

However, the time had come for God with us to reveal himself as God over us, and for his big, overarching mission to be clear and unmistakable, Jesus had to land in Jerusalem. For his audience, Jerusalem was where rulers showed up, and so he showed up, riding on a colt.

Clearly, his intent and his identity were not lost on the crowds lining the busy streets:

Most of the crowd spread their cloaks on the road, and others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road. And the crowds that went before him and that followed him were shouting, ‘Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!'”

Matthew 21:8-9

If anyone had missed the point of Jesus’s ministry, he offered further clarification when he ransacked the temple and drove out the buyers and the sellers. Who else but God Almighty would dare to call THE temple “my house?”

Welcome Jesus as Ruler!

Jesus had come to rule. As the Gospel accounts testify, his path to reigning over all creation was a circuitous one and very unexpected, even to those who knew him well. We, however, with our New Testament insights, have no excuse for missing the point. Christ entered Jerusalem and he enters our lives to assert the rule of God–over us and over all creation!

How will you welcome Jesus on Palm Sunday 2021?

Will you be distracted by dog and pony shows that are less demanding?
Will you be angry because his arrival interferes with your own well-laid plans?
Will you welcome him with joy, laying your heart and your life at his feet in worship?

Make no mistake about it: Christ came to rule, and one day “every knee shall bow… and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father” (Philippians 2:10-11).

Is Jesus welcome to make another Palm Sunday entrance in your life today?

Holding you in the light,

Christ entered Jerusalem, and he enters our lives to assert the rule of God–over us and over all creation!

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I have been invited to write for The Joyful Life magazine on a topic I’ve been doing research on for 27 years:  Parenting Boys!  I’m honored to be part of the team who provides quarterly online content as well as occasional print articles for such a beautiful and Christ-exalting publication. Click here to subscribe or to check out their shop, which is full of gift ideas and resources to enhance your own walk with God.

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Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

48 thoughts on “Is Jesus Welcome to Make Another Palm Sunday Entrance?”

  1. I am so thankful to have Jesus over me as Savior and Lord–someone who can save me from the consequences of my sin, someone wise and strong whom I can lean on, someone who brings peace and joy into my life. I can’t imagine trying to navigate life without Jesus!


  2. Too often I want Jesus to rule, but the way I think it should be. Really allowing him to rule means understanding and accepting that he knows so much better than I do! Lord, help me be obedient and to trust you!


  3. Oh, those pre-pubescent boys. They can be so standoffish. I am sure they will welcome you with open hearts once they get to know you, just like we welcome Jesus with open hearts.


  4. Thank you for this reminder to welcome Jesus in every moment of my day! What an honour that He is with me! How easily I can forget that due to distraction and self-absorption! Also, congratulations on your writing for Joyful Magazine!


  5. Your story about the boys in the class illustrates it perfectly! So often we can be like the crowd – welcoming Jesus on our terms but pulling away when he challenges us or doesn’t do what we expect. This is a great reminder of what a privilege it really is to welcome him.


  6. I love how you differentiate between God with us and God over us. There is a difference, and our hearts will reveal how close we want to be with Jesus. May we grow to love Him and others, and to live for Him, on His terms rather than ours. Thank you for this, Michele!


  7. Michele, I love that I am a little late to read this 🙂 I have been reflecting on Palm Sunday for a few days. I have so been struck this year with the fickleness of the people. One minute worshiping and one minute, turning on Jesus and wanting Him crucified. But then, that is so the way of people. You raise such a powerful point >>> “Christ entered Jerusalem and he enters our lives to assert the rule of God–over us and over all creation!” May I be willing to give Him rule over my life today and each day. Blessings!


  8. Thank you for sharing at #OverTheMoon. We appreciate your shares. They have been Tweeted Pinned. Have a lovely week. I hope to see you at next week’s party too! Please stay safe and healthy. Come party with us at Over The Moon! Catapult your content Over The Moon! @marilyn_lesniak @EclecticRedBarn


  9. Congrats on your opportunity to write for the magazine; you are going to be great! Thanks for sharing with us at Encouraging Hearts and Home. Pinned.


  10. We have been talking about welcoming in school this week and trying to bring Palm Sunday to life for the young children to help them understand the wonder and excitemrnt. Thanks for linking up with #MischiefAndMemories


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