How to Fear Wisely—What Are You Afraid of Today?

How to Fear Wisely—What Are You Afraid of Today?

I awoke at 3:00 a.m. with the remnants of a dream taking up every square inch of my brain space. Never mind that it was only a dream. At 3 a.m., dreams are more real and more frightening than they deserve to be. I laughed about the dream in the morning, and it made a… Continue reading How to Fear Wisely—What Are You Afraid of Today?

A Literary Pursuit of Beauty, Grace, and Truth

John Donne is just one of the poets featured in Leland Ryken's collection of devotional poetry, The Soul in Paraphrase

It's been a long time since I browsed in a Christian bookstore. They're exceptionally rare here in Maine, but on one of my last excursions, I inquired about the poetry section hoping to lay hands on something by Luci Shaw or Marjorie Maddox. Alas, it was not to be on this day. "We don't carry… Continue reading A Literary Pursuit of Beauty, Grace, and Truth