The Gift of Grace that Grows from Our Challenges

The Gift of Grace that Grows from Our Challenges

Maybe I haven't been listening carefully, but I don't recall ever hearing someone say, "It was only after my huge success that I finally got my priorities straight. It was only after the big book deal and the first million in the bank that I cried out to God with sincerity." Isn't it true that… Continue reading The Gift of Grace that Grows from Our Challenges

Staying on Your Feet is Really All About Grace

Staying on Your Feet is Really All About Grace

My grandchildren are on their way to becoming good skaters.  Confident and eager, they know the ropes, so I was just barely present in the semi-circle of parents and grandparents as we listened to the coach's instructions before the kids hit the ice.  I could easily have missed his words: "If you feel like you're… Continue reading Staying on Your Feet is Really All About Grace

Learning to Receive with Grace: Does My Help Really Come from the Lord?

Receive with Grace Help Really Come from the Lord

Sunday Scripture Friends had come to visit and to help, but I couldn’t have been more horrified if the people at my door had been bandits or kidnappers. Number one, I was on the couch. Number two, I had been sick for weeks and the house must have looked like a train wreck. (Fortunately, my… Continue reading Learning to Receive with Grace: Does My Help Really Come from the Lord?

Celebrate Grace and Gratitude on the Coat Tails of Mourning

Celebrate Grace and Gratitude

Switching the microphone over to my left hand, I hooked my right thumb into my skirt pocket to still the trembling. My always-forgiving church family might have attributed the tremor to nerves--and it's even more likely they didn't notice it at all. But I noticed it, and while I find this symptom of Parkinson's disease… Continue reading Celebrate Grace and Gratitude on the Coat Tails of Mourning

Embrace a Life of Restful Exertion to Counteract a Self-Help Culture

Restful Exertion to Counteract Self-Help

I've noticed myself becoming impatient with some of this year's newly published books, which seem to be running toward Christianity as a self-improvement project. Scanning the lists from publishers, it dawned on me that there's no way I can be or do or fix all the unspoken broken that populates our world, the church, or… Continue reading Embrace a Life of Restful Exertion to Counteract a Self-Help Culture

True Grace | Find the Power for Obedience and the Basis for Forgiveness

True Grace. Stand firm in it.

Sunday Scripture The word grace conjures images of unconditional love, forgiveness, and a free pass for whatever I bring to the table, and there's truth in this. However, in the closing words of his first letter, Peter has woven together two very different colors and textures of yarn: ...this is the true grace of God. Stand firm… Continue reading True Grace | Find the Power for Obedience and the Basis for Forgiveness

A Laundry Experiment Called Grace

"He has transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved son."

Sunday Scripture Doing laundry for a posse of four sons often felt more like a chemistry experiment than a household chore. Scrubbing, spraying, treating, pre-washing, and re-washing were all part of the formula, and sometimes the result was great--other times, not so much. Unlike my laundry experiments, God's cleansing work in the believer's life is… Continue reading A Laundry Experiment Called Grace

Get Used to the Idea of Abundance

Sunday Scripture Spring is the season of hyperbole. Here in Maine, we live in the grip of winter's clutches long after the calendar makes its equinox announcement--picture a foot of snow the week before Mother's Day! Therefore, when yellow and green begin to show up in earnest, my eyes can't take it in fast enough.… Continue reading Get Used to the Idea of Abundance

The Gift of Wonder and God’s Glorious “And”

The Gift of Wonder and God's Glorious "And"

Wild extremes live on the bandwidth that comprises Christian faith. At one end of the scale are those who believe scarcely a thing at all, but even this is not as frightening to me as those on the end of the spectrum who have God all figured out. With algebraic precision, they are able to… Continue reading The Gift of Wonder and God’s Glorious “And”

Self-Discipline: A Matter of Grit and Grace

Self-discipline is a matter of grit and grace.

With an empty house, a clean kitchen, laundry on the line (and even a sleeping dog!), it was a perfect afternoon to study or write. Deadlines were looming. However . . . the sun was shining, bath towels flapped and danced on the clothesline outside, and suddenly, while there was plenty that needed doing, the… Continue reading Self-Discipline: A Matter of Grit and Grace