Blessed Are Those Who Are Nice

As our roots go deep into disciplines of worship, study, obedience, and hope, we begin to see that we are being held in relationship with Christ, and this is where true virtue lives.

When Jesus set the parameters for a blessed life, they must have landed with surprise on the ears of his hillside congregation. The Beatitudes are even more counter-cultural today, for the 21st-century church conveys blessings of a different sort: Blessed are those who keep up appearances; Blessed are you when you look good and say… Continue reading Blessed Are Those Who Are Nice

Driven by Fear to the God Who Casts Out Fear

When fear threatens to extract all the air from my dreams, I’m thankful for the courage and strength that come from an upholding God. 

The road out of Jericho was always well-traveled, but Bartimaeus could sense something different in the air. Just as the angle of the hot sun on the back of his neck told him the time of day, the buzz of the crowd, the whispered excitement, and the press of bodies told him the truth that… Continue reading Driven by Fear to the God Who Casts Out Fear

Declaration of Dependence

Long lashes against his pale cheeks, my youngest son was sleeping soundly despite the beeping and whirring backdrop of the children’s Intensive Care Unit (ICU).  The ambulance ride, the endless testing and probing, and the grim diagnosis were secondary now to my boy’s constant pain, his fear, and the question marks that persisted hour after… Continue reading Declaration of Dependence

Embracing Brave

It certainly doesn't happen often enough, but when it does, it's a glorious thing -- the meeting over tea that has all the marks of the C.S. Lewis definition of friendship: "“Friendship ... is born at the moment when one [wo]man says to another "What! You too? I thought that no one but myself . .… Continue reading Embracing Brave

Awakening Courage in Community

Whether it's feelings of inadequacy, parenting anxieties, or panic over the latest terrorist tactics in the news, the challenge to face down our fears and to move forward into new, healthful, and bold behaviors is a common thread for January writing and thinking.  The problem, however, with this seasonal booster is that the need for… Continue reading Awakening Courage in Community

Saying Hard Truth

I had never heard of Huldah the summer that I stood in my growing-up kitchen and hollered into the phone, “You can’t let him come home because he’s crazy!” I don’t recall whether I was heard on that occasion, whether our feet were spared another few days or weeks of walking on the hot rocks… Continue reading Saying Hard Truth